
(sharon) #1

effects that patients frequently discontinue taking carbonic anhydrase inhibitors.
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors are contraindicated in the first trimester of preg-
nancy and for patients who are allergic to sulfonamides.


Osmotics are preoperative and postoperative medications used to reduce intraoc-
ular pressure by decreasing vitreous humor volume. They are also used in the
emergency treatment of closed-angle glaucoma. Patients who are administered
osmotics can experience headache, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Elderly patients
can become disoriented.

Anticholinergic mydriatics and cycloplegics

Anticholinergic mydriatics and cycloplegics are used in diagnostic procedures
and ophthalmic surgery. Anticholinergic mydriatics dilate the pupils. Cycloplegics
paralyze eye muscles. Patients who are treated with these medications experi-
ence tachycardia, photophobia, dryness of the mouth, edema, conjunctivitis, and
derematitis. You learned about anticholinergics in Chapter 15.

A list of eye disorder drugs is provided in the Appendix. Detailed tables show
doses, recommendations, expectations, side effects, contraindications, and more;
available on the book’s Web site (see URL in Appendix).

Patient Education for Eye Medication

It is important that patients understand the effects of their eye disorder and the
effects of the medication treating the condition. Patients are anxious about eye
disorders fearing that they could lose their vision.
Demonstrate the proper technique to administer eye drops and ointment. Be
sure that the patient knows how to maintain a sterile technique so the eyedrop-
per does not become contaminated.
Tell the patient about expected side effects such as blurry vision and that
administering the medication at bedtime can avoid problems that could arise
from temporary loss of vision.
The patient should record each time they administer the medication. This is
especially important for patients who are confused or forgetful and could acci-
dentally receive an overdose of the medication. The patient should not stop tak-
ing the medication without consulting his or her healthcare provider.

CHAPTER 22 Disorders of the Eye and Ear^403

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