
(sharon) #1

Mafenide acetate (Sulfamylon), 382
Magnesium, 176–177
hypermagnesemia, 176–177
hypomagnesemia, 177
Major (unipolar) depression, 298
Mannitol, 360, 362, 405t
MAO (monoamine oxidase) inhibitors, 298, 300t, 301
MAO-B inhibitors, 288, 289t
Maprotiline (Ludiomil), 298, 300t
Marijuana, 70t
days detectable in urine, 68t
Mast stabilizer drugs, 266
MDI (metered dose inhaler), 102–103
Mebandazole (Vermox), 250
Medication administration record (MAR), 87–88
Medication errors, 90–91
Medullary paralysis, 277
Memantine (Namenda), 292
Meperidine (Demerol), 310, 310t
Mephenytoin, 294
Mephobarbital, 275, 294
Meropenem (Merrem), 241t
Mescaline, 75
Mesoridazine besylate (Serentil), 296
Metabolism, 84–85
Metaproterenol sulfate (Alupent), 264
Metaraminol (Aramine), 285t
Metered dose inhaler (MDI), 102–103
Metformin (Glucophage), 395
Methadone, 310t
days detectable in urine, 68t
Methazolamide, 361, 363
Methicillin (Staphcillin), 211t
Methocarbamol (Robaxin), 290
Methotrexate, 376
contraindicated with breastfeeding, 55
interaction with penicillin, 214
Methoxyflurane (Penthrane)
interaction with aminoglycosides, 230
Methychlothiazide (Aquatensen, Enduron), 360
Methylcellulose (Citrucel), 339
Methylphenidate (Ritalin), 271
Methylprednisolone, 334, 379t
Methylthiouracil (Tapazole), 390
Methysergide, 272
Metoclopramide (Reglan), 333
Metolazone (Zaroxolyn), 360

Metoprolol (Lopressor), 286, 286t, 352
Metric system
converting, 116–117
household measurements, 115, 115t
overview, 113–114, 114t
Mezlocillin (Mezlin), 213t
Migraine headaches, 272–273, 273t
Milrinone (Primacor), 350
Minerals.SeeVitamins and minerals
Minocycline, 233, 235t, 375 t
Minoxidil (Rogaine), 380
Misoprostol (Cytotec), 343
Molindone, 297t
Mometasone (Elocon), 379t
Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, 298, 300t, 301
MAO-B inhibitors, 288, 289t
Morphine, 69t
Multiple sclerosis (MS), 290–291
copaxone (glatiramer acetate injection), 291
copolymer 1, 291
corticosteroids, 291
interferonβ-1B (Betaseron) and interferonβ-1a
(Avonex), 291
Muromonab-DC3 (Orthoclone OKT3), 325
Muscle spasms and pain, 289–290
Myasthenia gravis, 290
Mycophenolate mofetil (Cell Cept), 325

Nadolol (Corgard), 286t, 352
Nafcillin (Unipen), 211t
Nalbuphine (Nubain), 311
Naloxone (Narcan), 311
Naratriptan, 273t
Narcotic agonists
narcotic agonist-antagonists, 310–311, 310t
narcotic analgesics, 310
narcotic antagonists, 311
overview, 305, 309, 311–312
assessment, 308–309
components of, 307
defining, 307–308
gate control theory, 307
influences on administrating pain medication, 306
overview, 305–306
quiz, 312–313


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