Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1


pepper slices, pickles, etc., will need to be brushed with
water. All vegetable components in the hero sandwich
should look fresh for fi nal photography. And don’t forget
to remove the paper towel covering the top piece of
bread! Don’t laugh—it’s happened.

Building a Half or Cut Sandwich for Photography

Creating a half sandwich for photography is more com-
plicated than making a sandwich and simply cutting it
in half. You will need to build the cut sandwich with
bread and ingredients that have been precision cut for
the size of your sandwich. Constructing the half sand-
wich in this way gives you total control over the sand-
wich’s appearance and maintains the quality look of all

Elements in half sandwiches need to appear as if they’ve
been cut along the incision of the sandwich. Th ey are
prepped with the same techniques as described earlier in
this chapter for the whole sandwich. However, the build
process is a little diff erent. To achieve a realistic appear-
ance, you should cut the elements aligned with the cut
edge. Typically, I use a pair of sharp scissors for this task
right before building each element into the sandwich. I
have seen some printed shots of half sandwiches and cut
sandwiches photographed for advertising purposes built

with some elements on the incision edge that weren’t cut.
Th ey did not appear realistic.

Start your cut sandwich project by making a template of
heavy paper that is the shape and size you choose for the
hero sandwich bread. Position the template on one slice
of bread. Th e template will make you aware of any crust
edges that might be seen by the camera and thus becomes
a tool that allows you to better determine hero bread.
When you fi nd a piece of hero bread, cut it using a
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