Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1

several batches of vegetables, it may be necessary to
replenish the ice often.

TRICKS OF THE TRADE If you have a large number of
vegetables to blanch or steam, use a large kettle or clean sink to
hold the ice water. Set a colander into the ice water and make sure
the level of ice water is ample to cover the vegetables as you place
them into the colander. This technique keeps the vegetables in the
colander and separate from the ice. This will save you from having
to dig through the icy water for the vegetables and it also protects
the vegetables from being agitated in water with rough ice edges.
Be sure to keep the ice replenished in the sink or kettle as needed.
If you are blanching or steaming small, delicate vegetables, such as
peas or beans, you can keep them separated from ice and larger
vegetables by placing them in a wire mesh strainer suspended in the
ice water.

Once all of the vegetables for the image have been
steamed or blanched and are well chilled in the ice water,
they are ready to be built on the hero plate. If your project
calls for using vegetables prepared this way to enhance
or garnish a plate with other foods, for instance, a steak,
the prepped vegetables can remain in ice water until you
have the other items ready to build on the hero plate.

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