The Teen Survival Guide to Dating & Relating: Real-World Advice on Guys, Girls, Growing Up, and Getting Along

(Martin Jones) #1


128 The Teen Survival Guide to Dating and Relating

So, is there any way I can just be friendly with him? I mean, he’s a human being, and we
ought to be able to be friends, right?

Feelings Haven’t Died

Dear Feelings Haven’t Died,
There’s no “rule” that says you need to be friends with or even friendly to someone who has
hurt you. Sometimes it’s better to leave those people behind and get on with your life. You’re
still angry and hurt, which is natural; express these feelings in your journal or by talking to
people who care about you. When you’re lonely, find a friend or a family member to spend
time with. Don’t let feelings of loneliness lead you back into a hurtful relationship with some-
one who abused you.
It sounds like breaking up with your ex was the best thing you could have done.
Congratulations! To fix your aching heart, go out and do things you love to do—sports, hang-
ing out with friends, after-school activities, or whatever makes you feel excited and happy.
Leave the past behind and move forward with your life. Thanks for writing.

In friendship,

How can I get him to love me again?

Hey Terra,

This guy I really liked broke up with me. My feelings for him are as strong as ever, so how can
I get him to love me again?

Heart Broke

Dear Heart Broke,
I’m sorry the guy you like doesn’t feel the same way about you anymore. Unfortunately, there
are no such things as love potions to get people to fall back in love (and besides, such potions
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