The Teen Survival Guide to Dating & Relating: Real-World Advice on Guys, Girls, Growing Up, and Getting Along

(Martin Jones) #1

Index 243

types of, 155–156
See alsofriends

PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians
& Gays) (Web site), 178–179
Planned Parenthood, 99
Power to Prevent Suicide, The: A Guide for Teens
Helping Teens, 146
pregnancy, 96, 97–99
books about, 181
against homosexuals, 140–141, 177–179
racial, 148–149, 180–181
Web sites dealing with, 149, 178–179
“Problems with Food” (Web site), 28

racism. Seeprejudice
RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National
Network) (hotline and Web site), 109
rashes, 98
requirements for successful, 3
with yourself, 5, 25–26
See alsoboyfriend/girlfriend relationships;
friends; parent-child relationships;
sibling relationships
Resource Guide to Coming Out (Web site), 141
in boyfriend/girlfriend relationships, 64,
definition of, 74
frequent lateness and, 76
name-calling, 75
Right Moves, The: A Girl’s Guide to Getting Fit and
Feeling Good, 27
romantic relationships. Seeboyfriend/girlfriend

books about, 22
coping with grief, 23–24
hotlines for, 23
steps for dealing with, 21–22
vs.depression, 22
Web sites dealing with, 23
SAVE (Students Against Violence Everywhere)
(Web site), 149
school counselors, 32–33
Schuerger, Michele, 27

Schwager, Tina, 27
in abusive relationships, 107
and boyfriend/girlfriend relationships, 41
raising, 19
self-understanding, importance of, 5
abstinence, 96, 97
birth control, 96
contraception, 96
definitions of, 95
emotional risks of
books about, 105
complexity of, 101
difficulty of predicting, 101
knowing if you’re ready for sex, 102–103
questions to ask yourself, 101–102
getting closer physically, 94–95
love vs.lust, 41–42
managing your sexual drives, 42
physical risks of
acquired immune deficiency syndrome
(AIDS), 97
books about, 100
herpes, 96
human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV), 97
importance of accurate information
on, 95
pregnancy, 96, 97–99
sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), 96–98
Web sites dealing with, 100
responding to peer pressure, 158–159
responding to pressures for sex, 43–46, 56,
using condoms, 96–98
sexual activity, definition of, 95
sexual intercourse, definition of, 95
sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), 96–98
sexual orientation. Seehomosexuality
Sheftel-Gomes, Nasoan, 181
shyness, overcoming, 49–50
sibling relationships
being the “good” kid, 205
blended families and, 202
bossy siblings, 210–211
competition in, 200–206
dealing with feelings of jealousy, 203–204
dealing with feelings of loss, 213–214
effect of birth order on, 201–202
effect of family size on, 202
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