What Are Boyfriend /Girlfriend Relationships All About? 53
I don’t have the guts to ask a girl out
Hey Terra,
I really wish I had a girlfriend, but I’ve never had the guts to ask a girl out on a date. I’m start-
ing to think I never will, and it’s making me kind of depressed.
Dear Scared,
You don’t say how old you are, and that makes a big difference in the advice I’d give. For
example, a fourteen-year-old who’s too shy to ask someone out may not have a problem at
all; a twenty-year-old in the same situation might.
I agree that it takes guts to ask a girl out. After all, she might say no, and in some ways,
it can even be scary if she says yes! Still, you have to be ready to take the risk if you really want
to date. You might not be ready to do this, and that’s just fine. Some people are ready to date
a lot earlier than others, and you have to decide what’s right for you. To make things easier,
I’d suggest you go out with a group of girls and guys who are friends, so there’s less pressure.
Relax and enjoy yourself. If you get to know girls as people—as friends—it will be easier to
move forward from there. Take care.
In friendship,
What if she laughs at me?
Hey Terra,
I’m in love for the first time, but I’m so afraid that if I tell my girlfriend how deep my feelings
are, she’ll laugh (or worse) and I’ll be shattered forever.