
(Dana P.) #1

ignorance, and indecision. Sometimes people settle down so
hard they flatten out...Effective leaders have to learn how
to survive success. Surviving success means staying hungry
and not resting on your laurels. So whatever you do in life,
don’t stop starting. Once you’ve reached a goal, set yourself

  1. JOY:

    • ...the joy of the Lord is actually a fruit of the Holy Spirit, and is
      therefore a radiant condition of the soul.^38

    • We participate in His joy through acts of worship, praise, prayer,
      and song, in witnessing to the saving grace of God and in helping

    • is an attribute of God Himself. It brings with it pleasure,
      gladness, and delight. Joy is merriment without frivolity,
      hilarity without raucousness, and mirth without cruelty...Joy
      radiates animation, sparkle, and draws from a
      deep spring that keeps flowing long after the laughter has died
      and the tears have come...Joy is not a sentimental word. It has
      a clean tang and bite to it, the exhilaration of mountain air. It
      blows away the dustiness of our days with a fresh breeze...^40

    • ...the Psalms are not dirges or wails; overwhelmingly they are
      the exuberant outpouring of writers who are literally kicking
      up their heels, so excited are they to discover the redemptive love
      of Almighty God. “Shout for joy!” “Praise Him with the clash
      of cymbals.” “Praise Him with tambourine and dancing.”
      “Make music to Him.” “Praise Him, sun and moon.” “Extol
      the Lord.” “My heart leaps for joy.”^41

    • Elisabeth Elliot reminds us that “obedience always leads finally
      to joy.”^42


    • “You can do anything if you have enthusiasm.” (Henry Ford)^43

    • Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hopes rise to the start.

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