
(Dana P.) #1
C h a p t e r 8



“Give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people
and to distinguish between right and wrong”
(I Kings 3:9).

Good leaders must be discerning and perceptive of the dynamics around
them. Leaders have a keen perception of their environment. They are
always seeking to “get a handle” on their immediate situation so they will
know where to take hold. They naturally try to get their “finger on the
pulse” of their circumstances. Leaders are always monitoring the place,
people, problems and possibilities around them.

Leaders are very much like thermometers, they are always measuring
the spiritual, mental, and emotional climate they are in. Good leaders are
highly sensitized people who are attuned to their immediate surroundings.
They are not like a turtle or a clam that has a hard shell that makes them
insensitive to their environment. Humans have their nervous system
just beneath their skin – so they are very sensitive to their environment.
Christian leaders should be the most sensitive people of all – because to
be Christianized is to be sensitized! The more sensitive and perceptive we
are to our circumstances, the better we can give true leadership.

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