
(Dana P.) #1



  • It’s the leaders’ job to establish the vision and values of the

  • Worthwhile people are seeking to share a great purpose in life.^44

  • A legacy of vision: ‘Creating and living an empowering mission
    statement has a significant impact on the way we spend our time. When
    we talk about time management, it seems ridiculous to worry about
    speed before direction, about saving minutes when we may be wasting
    years. Vision is the fundamental force that drives everything else in
    our lives. It impassions us with a sense of the unique contribution
    that’s ours to make. It empowers us to put first things first, compasses
    ahead of clocks, people ahead of schedules and things...perhaps the
    most important legacy we can leave is vision.’^45

  • Vision is the best manifestation of creative imagination and the
    primary motivation of human action. It’s the ability to see beyond
    our present reality, to create, to invent what does not yet exist, to
    become what we not yet are. It gives us capacity to live out of our
    imagination instead of our memory. If our vision is based on the
    social mirror, we make choices based on the expectations of others.
    It’s been said that ‘when man discovered the mirror, he began to lose
    his soul.’ If our self-vision is no more than a reflection of the social
    mirror, we have no connection with our inner selves, with our own
    uniqueness and capacity to contribute. We’re living out of scripts
    handed to us by others – family, associates, friends, enemies, the

  • Victor Frankl said we don’t invent our mission; we detect it. It’s
    within us waiting to be realized. Everyone has his own specific
    mission in life; everyone must carry out a concrete assignment that
    demands fulfillment. Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be
    repeated. Thus, everyone’s task is unique as his specific opportunity
    to implement it.^47

  • Vision is usually communicated most effectively when many
    different vehicles are used: large group meetings, memos,

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