
(Dana P.) #1

athletes and other peak performers are visualizers. They see it; they
feel it; the experience it before they actually do it. They begin with the
end in mind.^54

  • Live your dreams. It must be borne in mind that the tragedy of life
    does not lie in not reaching your goals, the tragedy lies in not having
    any goals to reach. It isn’t a calamity to die with dreams unfulfilled,
    but it is a calamity not to dream. It is not a disaster to be unable to
    capture your ideals, but it is a disaster to have no ideals to capture. It
    is not a disgrace not to reach the stars, but it is a disgrace to have no
    stars to reach.^55

  • When your dreams are your dreams then you can deal with the
    barriers that will inevitably get in your way. Some barriers you may
    choose not to remove, and some barriers are not removable at all. In
    either case, you find a way to go over, under, or around the barrier.
    If you live your dreams then barriers are setbacks and not permanent
    detours. Barriers are timing delays but not cancellations of your
    journey...Anyone can dream but not every embraces their dreams.
    To embrace your dreams is to want them badly enough that you are
    willing to work hard enough and long enough to reach them. When
    you run into detours along the way or experience setbacks, the passion
    inside of you gives you the strength to pick yourself up again, shake
    the dust off your feet, and keep on going.^56

  • Dreams that touch one child and make a difference in that child’s life
    may one day touch millions – or even change the world. And just as
    only God knows how many apples there are in an apple seed, only He
    knows how many people will be touched by your good deeds.^57

  • God pity the one-dream man. When you run out of dreams you run
    into trouble as a leader.^58

  • ...tyranny is a beast that devours itself, whether in nations or in
    corporations. And history is a tale that is always written on
    the living hearts of human beings, a drama played out in a
    world ruled by a just God. So dreams remain alive long after
    the tyrants are gone...^59


  • The focus of the mandate must be specific and clear so that
    everyone knows exactly what is meant by it. In fact, it should

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