
(Dana P.) #1

religions have become little more than spiritual relics from the past –
“theological dinosaurs” that can only be studied in museums. Tragically,
some expressions of Christendom fall into this category – as the empty
cathedrals of Europe testify. It is only the prophetic voice that keeps any
religion from spiritual atrophy!

“It is only the prophetic voice that keeps organizations
from obsolescence, institutions from becoming
antiquated, and religions from spiritual atrophy.”

Understandably, Christianity by its very nature is prophetic. In fact, it is the
only faith that is authentically prophetic. Our faith neither originated
from man nor Satan but from God. It did not have its origin in time – but
in eternity, where past, present, and future are non-entities. Because God
exists outside of time - past, present and future are the same to Him.
All other human beings are encapsulated in time. God is not. He sees all
three of these human “time zones” as simultaneous – rather than sequential.
Since God created time, He is superior to time and transcends it. From
His vantage point in eternity, He is “above”...“outside of ”...”beyond
time” as we experience it. Only the true and living God is the “Alpha and
the Omega...the First and the Last...the Beginning and the End” (Rev.
1:8, 17, 21:6). That’s why God alone can say: “I make known the end
(future) from the beginning (history), from ancient times, what is still
to come” (Isa. 46:10).

Christianity is a prophetic faith because it is inspired by a prophetic book – the
Bible! Great portions of the Bible are correctly referred to as ‘Prophetic
Books.’ These “major prophets” and “minor prophets” foretold future
events by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The vast majority of these
prophecies have already come to pass with a precision and accuracy that
could not in any way be orchestrated or manipulated by man. Fulfilled
prophecy is one of the greatest proofs for the divine inspiration of the Bible!
Hundreds, even thousands, of years in advance, Biblical prophets spoke
to man about future events on behalf of God. In God’s perfect time,
those prophecies have been fulfilled in minute detail. Those hundreds

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