
(Dana P.) #1

attitude! Because they realize how decisive the attitude is, they constantly
monitor their own attitude in order to keep it positive and upbeat. They
are ever alert to keep pessimism and negativity from getting a foothold
in their thinking. Through the example of their life and leadership, they
do all they can to make positive “attitude adjustments” in the thinking
of their followers. They know that every single person they will ever
attempt to lead “...has an attitude.” The only question is: “What kind of
attitude do they have?” Do they have a problem attitude or a positive attitude?
Do they have a pessimistic attitude or a possibility attitude?

The greatest leadership challenge is leading an attitude change in the thinking of
people. Understanding this important principle of leadership, Fred Smith
succinctly wrote: “Speak to change attitudes.”^8 When you change attitudes,
you totally change behavior. Since all action springs from attitude, you can
only change the action by changing the attitude.

Principle: “Th e greatest challenge of leadership is
leading a change in attitude. Only when you change
attitude do you change actions.”
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