Cultural Geography

(Nora) #1
resource-based theory 136–7
respatialization 80
retablos 493–4
reterritorialization 469
rheumatoid arthritis 68
Rich, Adrienne 479, 482
rights of nature 197
risk society 108, 460, 503
risk-taking 118
Rist, G. 440
Rivera, S. 430
Robbins, Bruce 365
Robbins, P. 198
Robins, Kevin 307
Robinson, J. 383, 399–404
Roediger, David 307
Rorty, Richard 92–3, 523, 525
Rose, D. 558, 561, 563, 566
Rose, Gillian 64, 68, 297, 308,
318, 332, 515, 558
cartography 361
empire 359
Rose, Harold 547
Rouse, Roger 40, 80
Rundstrom, Robert 537

Sachs, Jeffrey 433–4
Said, Edward 302, 347, 355,
356–7, 388, 389
discourse 384
intellectual role 365
knowledge 408
Samers, Michael 375
sanitary syndrome 385
Sassen, S. 49, 75
Sauer, Carl 20, 165, 171, 455–6,
513, 546
animal domestication 186, 187
decolonization 349
landscape 238, 239, 243,
270, 271
landscape tectonics 208
lord of creation 23
Sawicki, Jana 61
Saxenian, A. 140–1
Sayer, Andrew 38, 92
scale 38, 46, 58
consumption culture 149
cultural geography 485–97
environmental geopolitics 506
gender 334
geopolitics 501
landscape 246
ontological pluralism 560
poststructuralism 516

production 132
transnationality 78
scale-jumping 458–9, 485–97
Schaefer, F.K. 514
Schech, Susanne 411, 412
Schiller, Glick 80
Schoenberger, Erica 110, 139
science fiction 504
science and technology studies
(STS) 536–7
Scott, C. 562–3
Scott, David 347, 366
Scott, Joan 448
Seamon, David 60, 276–7
Sedgwick, Eve 295, 315
Seers, Dudley 436
segmental democracy 429
segregation, cities 27–9
self 16, 64
self-worth 107
semiotics 153, 155, 180, 207,
211–15, 217–19
Senghor, Leopold 528
Sennett, Richard 107
sex, gender distinction 327, 328,
330, 333, 336
Sex Pistols 89–90, 95
sexual difference 41
sexuality 328
see alsoqueer geography
the body 64, 66
marginalization 46
subjectivity 285, 286, 294–6
Shanks, Michael 278–9
Sharp, Joanne 66, 458,
473–84, 500
Sheppard, Eric 538–9
Shiller, Robert 110, 120
shopping 53, 65, 148
consumption culture 156–7
malls 156
race 308
Shotter, 475
Shurmer-Smith, Pamela 329, 332
Sibley, David 47
Sidaway, J. 346–7, 369, 381, 404
sight, landscape 249–68, 271–5
signs 212–13
Silicon Valley 140–1
Simmel, G. 118
Simonsen, Kirsten 58
Simpson, R.B. 532
sisterhood, universal 479
Sittirak, Sinith 408
situated bodies 60

situated engagement 565–7
situatedness 524, 536
Skeggs, Beverley 295–6
Slater, Candace 438
Slater, David 386, 403, 420–32
Slater, Don 147–63
smell 9–14
Smelser, Neil 109
Smith, M. 334
Smith, Neil 43, 44, 91, 92, 171,
172, 347–8, 358, 388,
485–6, 500, 502
Smith, Susan 548
the social 31, 37–87, 133
embodiment 58–73
reclaiming 43–57
transnationality 74–87
social capital 134
social categories 52–3
social constructivism 524, 549
social fields 80
social groups 3–4
Socialist Workers’ Party 29
social physics 548
social polarization 49
social process 258–62
social relations 141
social reproduction 50–3,
58–9, 84
society 37–8
Soja, E.W. 565
sovereignty 150, 464
space 6–8, 38, 39–40
the body 65
consumption culture 148–9
critical geopolitics 474
feminism 409–10
gender 329–30, 332
knowledge 511–69
labour culture 99
landscape 250, 269
material semiotics 218–19
ontological pluralism 560
performative 64
postcolonialism 381–97, 420
queer geography 315–18
racialization 544
seeing 253
sexual 313
sight 253
the social 47
subjectivity 283–9, 290–9
spaces of difference 374–5
spaces of flows 77, 78, 468
Sparke, M. 458–9, 481–2, 485–97


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