Cultural Geography

(Nora) #1
spatiality 38, 63–4
spatialization 64, 303, 523–5,
speaking, politics of 408–9
spice trade 10–11
Spitalfields 390
Spivak, G.G. 348, 409, 410, 526
Stanton, M. 303
Starr, Kevin 244–5
boundaries 464–6
environmental geopolitics 503
environment mismatch 500
landscape 262–3
production 142
social geography 48
transnationality 78–9
status, consumption culture
stereotypes 285, 305, 328–9
Stiglitz, Joseph 443
Stoller, Robert 327
Stonewall riots 295
Strauss, Anselm 536
Strohmayer, Ulf 511, 517, 520–31
structure 283
of feeling 270, 277
the subject 284
subjectivity 16, 31, 283–343, 523
animal geography 187–99, 201
the body 63–4
consumption culture 156
gender 325–43
landscapes 213, 242
ontological pluralism 564–5
queer geography 313–24
racialization 300–12
spatial imperative 290–9
Suchet-Pearson, Sandra 511,
517, 557–69
Sui, Dan 538
superorganism 238–9
sustainability 507
Swedberg, Richard 109
swerve of the atom 5
Swyngedouw, E.A. 125, 177, 178
symbolic interactionism 536

tacit knowledge 136, 137–9,
140, 141, 524, 525
talent 141
talk 52
Taussig, Michael 174, 175
Taylor, C. 434
Taylor, Peter 505

techno-economic paradigm 133
technology 78
economy 94
of gender 293
knowledge 511, 517, 532–43
production 133–4, 135
transnationality 76–7
vision and landscape 255–7
tectonics 207, 208–11
temporality 38
terraforming 504
territoriality 466, 467
territorial trap 464, 465
territory 79, 262–5, 300–12,
317, 468
terrorism 23–4, 28, 459,
460, 477–8
textuality 213–14, 215–17,
219–21, 272–3, 559
Thatcher, Margaret 37, 91, 150
Thayer, M. 448
Theweleit, K. 478
Third World 426–7, 440–1
feminism 402, 406, 407,
408–9, 411
global sisterhood 479
labour culture 99
political ecology 173, 176
poverty 51
Thomas, Elizabeth Marshall 193
Thomas, Gerry 553
Thomas, Julian 278
Thomas, N. 302
Thompson, E.P. 100, 104–5
Thorne, L.B. 198–9
Thrift, Nigel 1–35, 38, 90, 123,
125, 283
economic geography 94
theory 180
technology 540
Tickell, Adam 116–30
time 50
landscape 230
ontological pluralism 560
subjectivity 290
time-space compression 6
time-space continuum 276
time-space routine 277
tip of the nose phenomenon 12
Toal, Gerard 455–61
Tocqueville, A. de 427–8
tombs of the Unknown Soldier
top-down view 78

topography 256, 257
topologies of wildlife 193
totalitarianism 428–9
tourism 279
Trafalgar Square 23, 24–6, 30
trait geography 350–1
transnationalism 40, 374, 375
transnationality 74–87
transparent reflexivity 68
transpecies urban theory 195
transportation 538
transsexualism 327
travel 363
Trinh,T. Minh-Ha 408
tropics 384–5
Trouillot, M.-R. 426, 427, 428
Tsing, Anna 124–5
Tuan,Yi-Fu 270, 271
Turner, Frederick Jackson 264
Twine, France Widdance 309

UN conferences on women
411, 412–13
UN Educational Scientific and
Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) 549
unilinear migration 80
untraded interdependancies 134
the urban 317
urbanization 196, 499, 503
urban jungle 303
urban planning 392
Ur-history 441–3
Urry, John 37–8
use values 239
utopia 504

Valentine, Gill 60, 320, 540
vantage-point 254
vertical collaboration 134
vertical disintegration 133
violence 468, 477
colonialism 410, 422
landscape 243, 244, 262
queer geography 320
visual reality 257

Wade, R. 445
Ward, Barbara 506
Watt, Paul 305–6, 308
Watts, Michael 173–4, 401, 402,
way of life 2, 3–4
way of seeing 241, 252, 270–3
Weber, Alfred 117


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