The Taqua of Marriage

(Dana P.) #1

innocence and purity as a regenerative force that matures and maintains
spiritual, emotional and bodily health. Women stand guard over this process.
When she is ungrateful, however, she stands watch over the reversal of this
process and gravitates towards hell bringing all the torment that accompanies
such a journey.

As wife, you are your husband’s closest ally and protector of this divine
process as his shield or Breast Plate, as it were. But this is not a militant or
aggressive position. The ribs are passive components, pliable yet firm,
expanding and contracting which each breath. Nevertheless, they are readily
broken and when his heart is assaulted they are bruised, and each bruising
reminds him of the assault that represents spiritual jihad. This war requires
defensive work in three realms: the mental, the emotional, and the physical.
This triad must be subdued and enslaved to Allah through submission to
Islam’s deen in order to develop the virtues of moral imperatives that lead to
success. Therefore, we must think, feel, and do what is correct according to
God’s Plan. This discipline does not come solely by discourse, prayer, or
study. It must be actualized via the discipline of taqua under rightly guided
authority to the accomplishment of good deeds for our benefit here and

Ideally this authority is your husband and those to whom he is submitted,
and your good deeds as a mature woman primarily begin and remain in
service to him
and not to your children or any external venue! Those who
deny that marriage is required for spiritual maturity are in error, for there is
no incarnation of the Kingdom Polity without marriage, and there is no
rightly guided authority without a husband and father as its magistrate!
Therefore, when you oppose your husband, you oppose the Divine Order or
Kingdom of Allah, and cannot possibly be of consequent help to the Cause of
Allah, for the grace of divine guidance resides with him as Imam of the deen
and will be withdrawn from you if you rebel. This will cause you nothing but
abject wantonness and futility. This is a spiritual law! Such women are like
ribs without a heart to protect and cherish. There lies a hollow beneath their
veneer of urbanity for which they seek all manner of substitutions in vain ‒
using children for the purpose or even pets; but never can peace be attained
as spoken of by Iesa or the Prophet in Sura 89, vs. 27. There is no rest of God
for the rebellious wife!

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