The Taqua of Marriage

(Dana P.) #1

Muslim’s life is the attainment of virtue; the true purpose of a Muslim’s Islam.
Without the acquisition of moral virtue with its supra-natural grace, man
remains in a lesser but admittedly ‘natural’ estate, which is but a step above
the animal kingdom, in as much as both the child and these kingdoms follow
certain imprinted instinctual drives and thermodynamic principles
respectively. And yet, even the exercise of morality is insufficient for entry to
the Kingdom because morality is not spiritualized until virtue consciously
serves ‘The Cause of God’ as the sole focus of behavior.^37 I suggest you read
the last sentence again. This was the Way (Tao) of the Chinese Mandarin
under the guidance of Lao Tse and Confucius, for example. And now it is the
better Way under the guidance of Muhammad, The Lawgiver.

In the lesser natural state, man’s activities focus upon himself and those
whom he favors for his benefit. This is hardly moral in light of obvious tribal
bias, no matter how the group is dressed. Even if degrees of morals and
ethics are achieved through excellent discipline, they are often pressed into
the service of human glory in defiance of God’s Commands. For example,
Roman and British Patricians were an exemplary lot but served a power
dedicated to false gods and the merciless exploitation of the weak.^38 On the
other hand, the truly virtuous man delights only in serving God’s Cause rather
than the preferment of worldly desire and those who can benefit him.
Wealth, family, and reputation mean nothing to such people other than
fearful responsibilities and/or tools in the service of God. This man enters the
‘Rest of God’ even here on earth by virtue of his communion with Allah
(taqua). He does not simply go through the motions of ritual and prayer or
practice morality because he has learned their requirements as social
protocols for acceptable conformism. To the contrary, he or she literally
become morality and prayer in every sphere of activity! This is the
‘Peacemaker’ Prophet Iesa spoke of on the Mount of Olives: the man or
woman who has actually made peace with God and keeps it because they
delight in it more than any other pleasure! Some call them Saints.
“Whoever seeks the pleasure of Allah at the risk of displeasuring the people, Allah will take
care of him and protect him from the people. But whoever seeks the pleasure of the people
at the risk of angering Allah, Allah will abandon him to the care of the people.”
(al-Timirdhi, isnaid hasan )

(^38) Most British Nobles are Freemasons of upper rank, at which stations they knowingly worship
Lucifer. As predicted by the Prophet, .there are many Freemasons of high rank amongst
Muslim Leadership.

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