The Taqua of Marriage

(Dana P.) #1

Concluding Remarks

I trust these few pages encourage readers to re-open the doors of discourse on
marriage, taqua, sexuality and its anomalous deviations. It is no longer
tenable to hold traditional religious ideations that border on extremism and
have wrought the ‘Dark Age’ of Muslim ignorance. Renaissance is indeed in
the making, and though the macroscopic institutions that govern both the
political and intellectual domains are submitted to secular concepts, zealous
bigotry and Luciferian elitism, on the microscopic level there is much we can
do to counter the deleterious influences of these self-interested groups.

Those amongst us who are subject—through no fault of their own—to the
anomalous sexualities described are indeed prisoners of the archetypal
sentience and response systems illustrated as male and female archetypes,
albeit in a disconsonant manner. Surely they deserve the compassionate
respect and disposition implied by the Islamic code of ethics and morality
according to knowledge. Such a re-visitation must also be balanced by the
immoral behaviors of the majority of heterosexual Muslims in general whose
sins far outweigh those of these unfortunate souls. As demonstrated, the
causes-of and responsibility-for these maladies are directly related to
modernity and its global descent into materialist extremism that has wrought
their perplexing estate. The Word of Al-Mussawwir: His formative force that
shapes the fetal microcosm is repeatedly insulted and opposed by mankind’s
plunge into heedlessness and there is much to do in order to come to just
terms with the matter.

Modernity, with its stressful lifestyle, financial oppressions, endless wars,
abusive husbands and caretakers, artificial food production, illicit drugs and
deleteriously prescribed pharmaceuticals, altogether cause these aberrations
with increasing incidence. In addition, with the exception of the conditioned
behavioral examples listed previously, it is well established that ‘role
modeling’ during childhood has little or no effect on the fundamental erotic
inclinations or gender-specific behavior. We must also keep in mind the
effects of meat bearing hormones as mentioned previously. This latter
influence, when added to extended exposure to electric light which decreases
melatonin’s inhibition of growth-hormone, causes premature maturation and
prurience such that pubescence and the onset of menses globally occurs in
developed countries much earlier than in centuries past. When added to the

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