The Structural Conservation of Panel Paintings

(Amelia) #1
and went on board the Prince of Wales fine Barge, Lately built under the
Direction of Lord Baltimore; and being attended by the Officers and
Ladies in Waiting of the Court in another Barge, and a Set of Musik in the
third Barge, they proceeded to Somerset House... there they viewed Mr
Walton’s Progress in cleaning and mending the Royal Pictures.”^4
George IV, when refurbishing Carleton House as prince regent,
spent lavishly on paintings. The attempt to settle the prince’s debts in the
1790s produced accounts from George Simpson for cleaning and repairing
a large number of pictures (Millar 1977:129–30).

H  S C  P P  G B 241

Figure 4
Francisco Ribalta (attrib.), Madonna and Child
with Angels. Oil on panel, 76 3 100 cm.
National Trust, Kingston Lacy House, Dorset.

Figure 5
Francisco Ribalta (attrib.), Madonna and Child
with Angels,reverse.

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