The Structural Conservation of Panel Paintings

(Amelia) #1
painting been considered offirst quality, this complicated panel construc-
tion would have received major panel work: it would perhaps have been
thinned and placed on a latticework, as was a posthumous double portrait
ofSir Philip Sidney and his sister, attributed to Daniel Mytens, which was
thinned to an overall thickness of 3 mm (Figs. 10, 11). The latticework may
be datable to the early eighteenth century and is very probably English.
Later, had the Romano panel received attention in the nineteenth century,
it would have been thinned, flattened with moisture, and cradled—and it
would have subsequently developed more splits after the cradle seized.

H  S C  P P  G B 243

Figure 8
Follower of Giulio Romano, The Rape of
Europa. Oil on panel, 99.7 3 127.4 cm. Royal
Collection (131).

Figure 9
Follower of Giulio Romano, The Rape of

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