Foundations of Cognitive Psychology: Preface - Preface

(Steven Felgate) #1

Situation awareness, 445, 447
Size constancy, 172–174, 213, 506
Size/distance relation role, 171
Socialization, 576
Sociopathy, 849–850
Spatial code, 458
Spatial inversion, 507–510
Spatial processing, 767, 802, 805
Spatial summation, 465
Special design, 644
Spectral organization, 235
Spectrogram, 217
neural, 218
Spoken-language, 689.SeealsoLanguage
Spontaneous speech, 692
Stanford-Binet test, 782
Stereogram, random-dot, 68–70
Stereoscopic depth perception, 68–69
Stereoscopic vision, 68
Stimulus-driven capture, 148–149
Storage failures, 389
Stratified sample, 118
Stream segregation, 226
Streaming effect, 225, 235–236, 246
Stroop effect, 384
Structure-emotion, 565, 576, 579
Subroutine failures, 389
Summary information, 290–291
Summary representation, 279, 281, 289–291
Supervenience, 10–11
Supervisory attentional system, 388
Symbol system, 772
Symmetry principle, 194, 206
Synchrony principle, 195
Synesthesia, 326
Syntactic theory, 237
Syntax, 58, 60, 107, 109, 238
Synthesis theory, 384
Synthetic stage of perception, 146
Systems reply (Berkeley), 99–102

Tachistoscope, 224
Tacit knowledge, 791
Task analysis, 534
Taxonomy, 251
Tempo, 299, 303, 306–307
Temporal composites, 455–480
Temporal reversal, 508
Temporal summation, 465
Test battery, 755
Test failures, 389
Testist, 758
Texture gradients, 171
Thalamus, pulvinar nucleus, 377
Think-aloud protocol, 524
Timbre, 214, 236, 299–300, 303, 307
Timing, 122
Timing deformations, 575

Tonality, 455–480
Tonic response, 459
Top-down processing, 140, 176–177, 408, 510
Transfer appropriate processing, 330
Transpositional invariance, 475
True experiments, 116–119
T-test, 127
Tuning, abstract feature, 456
Tuning curve, 455–456
Turing, Alan, 35, 37–40, 42, 48–50
Turing machine, 35
Turing test, 16–17, 35–53, 100, 110

Unconscious inference, 146, 504–506
Uniform connectedness, 208–210
Unit formation, 197
Units.SeealsoParallel distributed processing
hidden, 471

Value (subjective), 602–604
Variation, evolutionary, 640
Vector spaces, 459–460
Veridical expectancies, 471
Vertical dimension of category systems, 251,
253, 254–260, 265, 267–268
Vibrato, 514
Visual adaptation, 400
Visual completion, 203
Visual processing, 399, 411
Visual search, 372, 402
Visual system, 457
Vocational, 772
Von Restorff effect, 323

Wagenaar, W., 326
War of the Ghosts, 315–317, 328
Weber’s law, 405
Wechsler adults intelligence scales (WAIS), 782
Wechsler intelligence scales for children (WISC),
Westist, 758
Within-subjects design, 124, 125, 127
Wittgenstein’s puzzle, 474
Word association network, 827
Word recognition, 60–61
World correlational structure, perception of,

Zoom-lens model, 370

862 Index

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