Foundations of Cognitive Psychology: Preface - Preface

(Steven Felgate) #1

Positron emission tomography (PET), 787, 824,
841, 845
Pragnanz law, 163
Preattentive processing, 153–155, 158
Preference reversal, 611–612
Presentism, 633
Primal sketch, 399
Primary auditory cortex, 457, 826
Primary visual cortex, 824
Priming, 262, 372, 411, 462–465
Primitive segregation, 242
Principles of exclusive allocation, 221–225
Prior probability, 586–587
Privacy (in human subjects testing), 126
Proactive interference, 345
Probability distribution (subjective), 596
Problem solving, 343–344
strategies, 558–563
Procedure invariance, 610
Prodigies, 570–572, 763
Productivity curve, 558
Programme assembly failures, 389
Progressive supranuclear palsy, 376
Prominance hypothesis, 612
Proofreader’s error, 568
Property, emergent, 4
Propositions, general form, 271
Prosody, 303
Prosopagnosia, 302
Prospect theory, 603
Prototypes, 251, 253, 259, 262–269, 461
Proximal stimulus, 138–139, 143
Proximity, 193, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 203, 227
model, 279
stimuli, 200
Wertheimer’s law of, 161
Psychophysical complementarity, 242
Psychophysics, 213–214

Quick-probe assumption, 37, 39, 40, 47

Random assignment, 116–118
Random-dot stereogram, 68–70
Random effects, 645
Random sampling, 118
Random selection, 118
Rational theory of choice, 618
Raven’s matrices test, 787–788
Reaching, 58
Reaction time, 261, 822
Receptive field, 142
Recognition, 324–325, 330, 344, 351, 410
Recognition network, 413
Recognition tests, 315
Reference frames, 160–161
Refractory period, 381
Region analysis, 207–208

Region segregation, 158–159
Relative size, 169, 171
Relearning paradigm, 315
Remembering, 298, 312, 316, 318, 326, 334
Repeatability, 128
Repeated measures design, 124
Repetition detection task, 200
Repetition discrimination task, 199, 200, 201
Repetitious events, 322
distributed, 80–81
local, 80–81
mental, 503
Representative sample, 123
Retinal cues, 505
Retrieval failure, 297
Retroactive interference, 345
Reverberation, 510
Rhythm, 299, 301, 488, 494–495
Risk, 602
Robot reply (Yale), 102–103

‘‘S’’ (S.V. Shereshevskii), 326
Sample size, 123
Scene analysis, 216, 230–231, 239–240, 246
Schema, 62, 464
Schema theory, 392
Schema-based integration, 245
Schema-based segregation, 242
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), 753.Seealso
Script, 61
Second language learning, 695
Second law of thermodynamics, 509
Segmentation cues, 463
Segregation, 239
Selection, 640
Selectivity of processing, 363
Self-statement, 774
Semantic processing, 371
Semantics, 58, 60, 107, 109, 330, 410
Sensory buffer, 296
Sensory transducers, 503
Sequential integration, 236
Sequential organization, 235
Serial search, 154–155, 404
Sex hormones, 804–806
Shadowing, 150–151, 367
Shape constancy, 172–174
Shape perception, 160–161
Shiffrin and Schneider theory, 385–387
Significance testing, 127
Sign-language, 262, 689, 696
Sign test, 128
Similarity, 163, 193, 195, 197, 200, 232, 257, 285,
Simultanagnosia, 376
Simultaneous integration, 236

Index 861
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