A World History of Nineteenth-Century Archaeology: Nationalism, Colonialism, and the Past (Oxford Studies in the History of Archaeology)

(Sean Pound) #1

Boccaccio, Giovanni (1313–1375) 33
Bogdanovitch 259
Boissier, Gaston (1823–1908) 268
Bollaert, William (1807–1876) 173
Boman, Eric (1867–1924) 178
Bonin, Charles-E ́tienne 196
Bopp, Franz (1791–1867) 255
Borlase, William (1696–1772) 52
Bormann, Eugen 116
Borovka, Gregory 37
Borra, Giovanni Battista (1712–1786) 156
Bosanquet, Robert Carr (1871–1935) 390
Botta, Paul E ́mile (1802–1870) 135, 141, 142, 165
Boucher de Cre`vecœur de Perthes, Jacques
(1788–1868) 355, 356
Bouillevaux, Charles-E ́mile (1823–1913) 232
Bourbourg, Charles E ́tienne Brasseur de
(1814–1874) 174
Bourguignat, Jules-Rene ́(1829–1892) 271–2
Bourke, W. W. 239
Boyle, David (1842–1911) 290, 291
Brandes, Jan L. A. 221
Brasseur de Bourbourg, Abbe ́Charles-E ́tienne
(1814–1874) 174, 175
Bre ́al, Michel (1832–1915) 235
Britton, John (1771–1857) 320–30
Broca, Paul (1824–1880) 182, 348, 349, 351
Brown, Francis 163
Brugsch, Heinrich Karl (1827–1894) 123, 124, 126
Brumund, Jan Frederik Gerrit (1814–1863) 219
Bucarelli, Antonio (r. 1766–1770) 56
Buckingham, James Silk (1786–1855) 140
Buckland, William (1784–1856) 355
Budge, Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis
(1857–1934) 122, 144, 145–6
BuVon, Georges-Louis Leclerc Count of
(1707–1788) 329
Bu ̈hler, Georg (1837–1898) 194
Bullock, William (1813–1867) 172
Burachkov, P.O. 257
Burckhardt, Johann Ludwig (1784–1817) 148
Bure, Johan (1568–1652) 36
Burgess, James (1832–1916) 243
Burmeister, Karl Hermann (1807–1892) 288
Bu ̈sching, Johann Gustav Gottlieb
(1783–1820) 331, 360

Cagnat, Rene ́(1852–1937) 268
Camden, William (1551–1623) 35
Campana, Marquis di Cavelli, Giampietro
(Giovanni Pietro) (1808–1880) 103
Canina, Luigi (1795–1856) 103
Canning, Sir Stratford (1786–1880) 141, 142
Canova, Antonio (1757–1822) 48, 72
Capellen, Baron Godert Alexander van der
(1778–1848) 218

Carlos III 44, 47
Carlos V (Charles) V, Emperor (Carlos I, King of
Castile/Spain) 40, 44
Carnegie, Andrew (1835–1919) 259
Carpeaux, Charles (1870–1904) 236
Cartailhac, E ́mile (1845–1921) 294, 383, 388
Carvalho, Coˆnego Benigno Jose ́de 92
Casas, Friar Bartolome ́de las (1484–1566) 39, 40
Cassas, Louis Franc ̧ois (1756–1827) 156
Catherine the Great (r. 1762–96) (Tsar,
Russia) 48, 248–9, 260–1
Catherwood, Frederick (1799–1854) 174, 178, 179
Caumont, Arcisse de (1801–1873) 330, 344,
345, 356
Caylus, Comte de (1692–1765) 42, 333
Celaleddin Pasha 116
Centeno, Marı ́a Ana 183
Cessac, Le ́on de (1841–1891) 176, 176n
Chailley-Bert, Joseph 212
Chambers, Robert (1802–1871) 346
Champollion, Jean-Franc ̧ois (1790–1832) 74,
76, 92, 119, 120, 138, 164, 191
Charles I (King, England) 63n
Charles X (France) 339
Charnay, Desire ́(1828–1915) 174, 175, 176
Chavannes, Edouard (1865–1918) 171, 191–2,
Chen Jieqi (1813–1884) 189
Cherbonneau, Auguste (1813–1882) 266
Chien-lung (1736–1795) (China) 186
Chodakowsky, Zorian Dolega (1784–1825) 336
Christian IV (Denmark) 36, 38
Christian VI (r. 1730–46) (Denmark) 50
Christy, Henry (1810–1865) 173
Chudeau, Raymond 305
Chulalongkorn, King (Rama V, gov. 1868–1910)
(Siam) 215, 220, 238, 239
Cisneros, Cardinal Gonzalo Jime ́nez de
(1436–1517) 37, 40
Clark, Sir John Grahame Douglas
(1907–1995) 392n
Clarke, Edward Daniel (1769–1822) 148
Classical authors: Augustus 68; Brutus 68, 70;
Caesar, Julius 68, 248, 390, 392; Cicero 42;
Gaius 333; Herodotus 250; Homer 42, 116,
229; Horace 252; Plutarch 68, 75;
Tacitus 252, 332; Virgil 42, 252;
Xenophon 42, 75
Clavijero, Francisco Javier (1731–1787) 57, 89
Clermont-Ganneau, Charles (1846–1923) 135,
151, 165
Cockerell, Charles Robert (1788–1863) 46
Coede`s, George (1886–1969) 236
Combe, George (1788–1858) 345–6
Conder, Lt. Claude Regnier (1848–1910) 150
Conze, Alexander (1831–1914) 115, 116

478 Index

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