A World History of Nineteenth-Century Archaeology: Nationalism, Colonialism, and the Past (Oxford Studies in the History of Archaeology)

(Sean Pound) #1

Sweden: College of Antiquities 38;
Uppsala 38, 360
Switzerland: Geneva 138
Ukraine: Odessa 261

USA: Harvard 148, 184, 185, 195n, 286;
California 171, 180; Chicago 147;
Pennsylvania 147, 171, 180


Abbas (Abbas Hilmi II) (Khedive, Ottoman
empire) 124n
Abel, Felix-Marie (1878–1953) 152
Abel-Re ́musat, Jean-Pierre (1788–1832) 190, 191
Abdu ̈lhamid II (r. 1876–1909) (Ottoman
emperor) 114, 115
Acton, Lord (John Emerich Edward Dalberg-
Acton, 1st Baron Acton, 1834–1902) 353
Agincourt, Jean Baptiste Louis George Seroux D’
(1730–1814) 333n
Akerman, John Yonge 362
Akhun, Islam 193, 194
Alama ́n, Lucas (1792–1853) 89
Albright, William Foxwell (1891–1971) 155,
Alcubierre, Roque Joaquı ́n de (1702–1780) 44
al-Dawleh, Ali Akbar Muzayyin 145
Aldrovandi, Ulisse (1522–1605) 40
Alekseev, Vasily 192
Alexander II (r. 1855–1881) (Tsar, Russia) 256
Alexander the Great 75, 114, 165
al-Falaki, Mahmud (1815–1885) 125
Alfonse V, king of Aragon (1416–1458) and of
Naples (from 1442) 34
Ali, Muhammad (Mehmed Ali) (r. 1805–1848)
(Egypt) 84, 118, 120
Alighieri, Dante (1265–1321) 33
Allema ̃o, Francisco Freire (1797–1874) 94
Almaraz, Ramo ́n 175
al-Mulk, Kamal 145
al-Sayyid, Ahmad LutW 126
al-Tahtawi, Rifaa RaWi (1801–1873) 15, 118,
119, 125
Alzate, Jose ́Antonio de 56
Ambrosetti, Juan Bautista (1865–1917) 183
Ameghino, Florentino (1854–1911) 288
Anastasi, Giovanni (1780–1860) 119
Ancona, Cyriacus de (ca. 1390–1455) 34, 43
Anderson, Andrew 304, 306
Andersson, Johann Gunnar (1874–1960) 200
Andrae, Walter (1875–1956) 146
Andrusov 259
Arago, Franc ̧ois (1783–1853) 359
Arai Hakuseki (1656–1725) 189
Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian of Austria
(1832–1867) 120, 174

Armour, Allison 179
Asim, Necib 116
Aspelin, Johan Reinhold (1842–1915) 384–5
Astruc, Jean (1684–1766) 160–1
Atatu ̈rk, Kemal (1881–1938) 118, 139
Aymonier, E ́tienne (1844–1929) 233, 236
Azeglio, Massimo d’ (Massimo Taparelli,
marquis d’Azeglio, 1798–1866) 370
Bachofen, Johann (1815–1887) 372
Bacon, Francis (1561–1626) 41
Bahgat, Ali (1858–1924) 125
Balasoglo, Alexander 282
Ballu, Albert (1849–1939) 269
Bandelier, Adolph (1840–1914) 180
Banerjee, Rakhaldas (1885–1930) 230
Barth, Auguste (1834–1916) 233, 235
Barthe ́lemy, Abbe ́Jean-Jacques
(1716–1795) 156, 156n
Baruel, Abbe ́ 60
Basilewsky, Alexander 261
Bastian, Adolf (1826–1905) 177, 232
Batres, captain Leopoldo (1852–1926) 173n, 182
Bayer, Gottlieb Siegfried (1694–1734) 251, 254
Beglar, J. D. M. 229, 230
Bell, Gertrude (1868–1926) 145n
Bellefonds, Louis Linant de (1799–1883) 148
Belzoni, Giovanni Battista (1778–1823) 119
Benndorf, Otto (1838–1907) 116
Bentham, James (1708–1794) 329
Benzinger, Immanuel (1865–1935 ) 154
Berbrugger, Louis-Adrien (1801–1869) 274
Bergaigne, Abel (1838–88) 233
Berthon, Paul (1872–1909) 176
Bertier-Delagard, A.L. 257n
Bey of Tunis 264
Bianchi Bandinelli, Ranuccio (1900–1975) 23,
48, 115, 248, 393, 393n
Birch, Samuel (1813–1885) 149
Bismark, Otto von (r. 1862–1890) 108
Bliss, Frederick J. (1859–1937) 153, 155
Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich
(1752–1840) 345, 347
Boas, Franz (1858–1942) 184–5, 185n
Bobrinsky, Count Alexey Aleksandrovich
(1852–1927) 262

Index 477
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