A World History of Nineteenth-Century Archaeology: Nationalism, Colonialism, and the Past (Oxford Studies in the History of Archaeology)

(Sean Pound) #1

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756–1791) 50
Muchketov 259
Mukherji, Poorno (Purna) Chunder 229, 230
Mu ̈ller (Mueller), Fritz (1821–97) 289
Mu ̈ller, Friedrich Max (1823–1900) 191, 224
Muller, Sophus (1842–1934) 326n
Mullick, Rajendro 228
Mu ̈nter, Frederik (1761–1830) 324, 325
Muratori, Lodovico Antonio (1672–1750) 333n
Mussolini, Benito (1883–1945) 408

Najib, Ahmad 124
Napoleon (Bonaparte, Napole ́on)
(1769–1821) 12, 20m 29, 60V, 79–80, 83, 84,
87, 90, 94, 100, 118, 127, 148, 175, 214, 217,
255, 318, 320, 322, 325, 327, 328, 333, 338–9,
Napoleon III (1808–1873, r. 1848–1870) 103,
121, 157, 263, 263n
Nara dynasty (646–794 CE) (Japan) 189
Nasir al-Din (r. 1848–96) (Shah of Persia) 140,
Naville, Edouard (1844–1926) 17, 138
Nebel, Carl (1805–1855) 174
Negishi Bunko (1839–1902) 198
Neumann, Karl (1823–1880) 258,
Newton, Charles (1816–1894) 112–3
Nguyen Van To 237
Nibby, Antonio (1792–1836) 103
Nicholas I (r. 1825–1855) (Tsar, Russia) 254–5,
Niebuhr, Barthold (1776–1831) 70, 333, 351,
352, 353
Niebuhr, Carsten (1733–1815) 73, 139, 160
Nieto, Jose ́Moreno (1825–1882) 361
Nikitin 259n
Noeting, Fritz 311–12
Norden, Frederick Lewis (Norden, Frederic
Louis) (1708–1742) 50
Nordenskio ̈ld, Baron Nils Erland Herbert
(1877–1932) 178
Nyerup, Ramus (1759–1829) 323, 325, 326

O’Donovan, Edmund (1844–1883) 262
Odobescu, Alexandru (1834–1895) 379, 389
Oehlenschla ̈ger, Adam (1779–1850) 325, 329
Oldenburg, Sergei (1863–1934) 196
Osorio, Count of 39
Otto I (r. 1832–1862) (King of Greece) 85–6
Outes, Felix Faustino (1878–1939) 183, 288
Ouvarov, Alexis,seeUvarov, Alexis

Paderni, Camillo 47
Palmerston, Lord (Henry John Temple, 3rd
Viscount Palmerston) (1784–1865) 173
Paparigopoulos, Konstantinos 106

Parmentier, Henri (1871–1949) 236
Pedro I (r. 1822–1831) (Brazil) 87, 91
Pedro II (r. 1840–1889) (Brazil) 87, 91, 92
Pelliot, Paul (1878–1945) 193, 195, 197, 235
Pengelly, William (1812–1894) 356
Penicuik, Sir John Clerk (1676–1755) 54
Penna, Herculano Ferreira (1810–1867) 289
Pe ́retie ́, Aime ́ 157
Perrot, Georges (1832–1914) 102
Peter the Great (r. 1682–1725) (Tsar, Russia) 36,
48, 248, 250, 261
Peters, John P. (1852–1921) 147
Petrie, Flinders (1853–1942) 17, 123, 132, 136,
137, 138, 152–3, 155, 165, 197, 376
Petrie, George (1790–1866) 343
Petrov, Mykola I. (1840–1921) 261
Petrovsky, Nikolai (1837–1908) 193
Peyre, Marie-Joseph Peyre 322
Picard, Casimir (1806–1841) 356
Piccolomini, Enea Silvio (1405–1464) 34
Pierotti, Ermete 149
Pigorini, Luigi (1842–1925) 378
Pinart, Alphonse (1852–1911) 175
Pinkerton, John (1758–1826) 252n
Pious IX (Pope) 104
Pious VII (Pope) 71, 72,
Pitt Rivers (Lieutenant-General Augustus Henry
Lane Fox Pitt Rivers) (1827–1890) 152, 311,
374, 377, 378, 392, 392n, 394; see also Pitt
Rivers Museum
Pittakis, Kyriakos (1798–1863) 86, 103
Poole, Reginald Stuart (1832–1895) 122
Porter, Robert Ker (1777–1842) 140
Prado y Vallo, Casiano de (1797–1866) 356
Prestwich, Sir Joseph (1812–1896) 356
Preuss, Konrad Theodor (1869–1938) 287
Prichard, James Cowles (1786–1848) 312, 347,
Przezdziecki, Count Aleksander 380
Przhevalski, Nikolai Mikhailovich
(1839–1888) 194
Pumpelly, Raphael (1837–1923) 259–60, 259n,
Qajar dynasty (1781–1925) (Persia) 140
Qing dynasty (China) 168, 186, 187
Quatrefages, Jean-Louis-Armand de
(1810–1892) 388
Quincy, Quetreme`re de (1755–1845) 71
Radermacher, Jacob Cornelis Mattheus
(1741–1794) 217
RaZes, Sir Thomas Stanford
(1781–1826) 217–18, 239
Ramsauer, Johann (1795–1874) 328
Ramsay, William (1851–1939) 138, 145n

Index 483
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