A World History of Nineteenth-Century Archaeology: Nationalism, Colonialism, and the Past (Oxford Studies in the History of Archaeology)

(Sean Pound) #1

Linnaeaus, Carl von (1707–1778) 345
Livingstone, David (1813–1973) 280, 303
Loewy, Emanuel (Em(m)anuel Lo ̈wy)
(1857–1938) 393n
Lo ̈her, Franz von (1818–1892) 272
Lomonosov, Mikhail V. (1711–1765) 251–2,
252n, 256
Longperier, Adrien de (1816–1882) 141
Lons, C. A. 215
Lo ́pez, Vicente Fidel (1815–1903) 183, 184, 292
Lord Cromer, Evelyn Baring, 1st Earl of Cromer
(1841–1917) 125
Lord Mayo (Richard Southwell Bourke, 6th Earl
of Mayo (1822–1872) 227
Louis Philippe (France) 339–40
Louis XIV (1638–1715) (France) 35
Louis XVI (France) 62, 72
Lu ̈Dalin 188
Lubbock, Sir John (later Lord Avebury)
(1834–1913) 301, 347n, 372, 378, 386, 389,
Lubyanovsky, F. 252
Ludwig I (Bavaria) 46
Lund, Peter Wilhelm (1801–1880) 93–4, 94n
Lyde-Brown, John 48
Lyell, Sir Charles (1797–1875) 301, 355, 356,
Lynch, William Francis (1801–1865) 149
Lyon, David Gordon (1852–1935) 154–5

Ma Duan-lin 190
Macalister, Robert Armstrong Stewart
(1870–1950) 153, 155
Macartney, George 193
Macaulay, Thomas Babington (1st Baron
Macaulay) (1800–1859) 342
Macedo, Jose ́Mariano 183
Mackenzie, Duncan (1861–1934) 153, 155
MacLennan, John Ferguson (1827–1881) 372
MaVei, Marchese Scipione (1675–1755) 48,
Magalha ̃es, Couto (1837–1898) 183, 293
Magnus, Olaus (1490–1557) 35
Maine, Henry (1822–1888) 372
Malcolm, Sir John 140
Malte-Brun, Conrad (1755–1826) 231
Mannerheim, Baron Carl Gustaf Emil
(1867–1951) 196
Mansuy, Henri 295, 300
Marche, Alfred (1844–1898) 295
Mariette, Auguste (1821–1881) 15, 120V, 123,
Marsden, Reverend John (1803–1870) 361
Marsden, William (1754–1836) 215, 218, 240
Martins, Joaquim Pedro de Oliveira
(1845–1894) 342
Marx, Karl (1818–1883) 371

Maspero, Gaston Camille Charles
(1846–1916) 121, 123–4, 175n
Masqueray, E ́mile (1843–1894) 270
Masson, Charles (1800–1853) 254–5
Mauch, Karl (1837–1875) 306
Maudslay, Alfred (1850–1931) 173, 173n
Max Mu ̈ller, Friedrich, see Mu ̈ller, Friedrich Max
Mazzini, Giuseppe (1805–1872) 339–40
Medina, Jose ́Toribio (1852–1930) 288
Meiji dynasty (Japan) 187, 188, 197, 198, 200
Melgunov, General 253
Me ́lida, Jose ́Ramo ́n (1856–1933) 404
Me ́rime ́e, Prosper (1803–1870) 357
Metternich (1773–1859) (Chancellor,
Austria) 340
Michaelis, Adolf (1835–1910) 4, 23, 100, 115,
Michelet, Jules (1798–1874) 158, 321
Mikhailovich, Grand Duke Alexander 194, 257
Mill, John Stuart (1806–1873) 95
Miller, Gerhard Friedrich (also spelled Muller,
Mu ̈ller) (1705–1783) 253
Millin, Aubin-Louis (1759–1818) 319, 321
Minns, Ellis Hovell (1874–1953) 258
Mitra, Rajendra Lal (Rajendralala)
(1822–1891) 18, 229, 244
Mitre, Bartolome ́(1821–1906) 183, 192
Mohl, Jules (1806–76) 140–1
Mommsen, Theodor (1817–1903) 70, 105, 110,
157, 333, 350, 353–4, 364, 390, 393
Mongkut, King (Rama IV, gov. 1851–1868)
(Siam) 237–8
Monroe, James (1799–1870) 178
Montano, Joseph (b. 1844) 295
Montelius, Gustaf Oscar Augustin
(1843–1921) 372, 378, 384, 391, 392, 394, 395
Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron
de La Bre`de et de Montesquieu
(1689–1755) 321, 333n
Montfauc ̧on, Bernard de (1655–1741) 51, 333n,
Monypenny, William Flavelle (1866–1912) 211
Morales, Ambrosio de (1513–1591) 35
Moreno, Francisco 288
Morgan, Jacques de (1857–1924) 144, 145
Morgan, Lewis Henry (1818–1881) 371
Morhof, Daniel Georg (1639–1691) 38
Morier, James (1780–1849) 140
Morinus, Stephanus (1624–1700) 190
Morris, William (1834–1896) 344
Morse, Edward (1839–1917) 198–9
Mortillet, Gabriel de (1821–1898) 304, 377,
383n, 389, 392, 394
Morton, Samuel G. (1799–1851) 346, 348
Mouhot, Henri (1826–1861) 232
MozaVereddin (Shah of Persia) 145

482 Index

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