Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014

(nextflipdebug2) #1

Glossary 401

Depository receipts Depository receipts are securities that represent ownership of securities listed
in other economies ............................................................................................ 7.167

Deposits Deposits are all claims, represented by evidence of deposit, on the deposit-
taking corporations (including the central bank) and, in some cases, general
government or other institutional units ......................................................... 7.137

Distributable income Distributable income of a corporation is equal to entrepreneurial income, plus

all current transfers receivable, minus all current transfers payable and minus
the adjustment for the change in pension entitlements relating to the pension
scheme of that corporation .............................................................................. 5.116

Dividends Dividends are the distributed earnings allocated to government or public sec-
tor units, as the owners of equity, for placing funds at the disposal of corpora-
tions .......................................................................................................... 5.111, 6.109

Domestic currency Domestic currency is that which is legal tender in the economy and issued by

the monetary authority for that economy—that is, either that of an individual
economy or, in a currency union, that of the common currency area to which
the economy belongs ......................................................................................... 3.134

Due-for-payment basis of

In the due-for-payment basis of recording, fl ows that give rise to cash payments
are recorded at the latest times they can be paid without incurring additional
charges or penalties or, if sooner, when the cash payment is made ...............3.66

Dwellings Dwellings are buildings, or designated parts of buildings, that are used entirely

or primarily as residences, including any associated structures, such as garages,
and all permanent fi xtures customarily installed in residences .....................7.44

Economic assets Economic assets are resources over which ownership rights are enforced and

from which economic benefi ts may fl ow to the owners ........................ 3.43, 4.43

Economic classifi cation of

Th e economic classifi cation of expense identifi es the types of expense incurred
according to the economic process involved ......................................................6.2

Economic fl ows Economic fl ows refl ect the creation, transformation, exchange, transfer, or ex-

tinction of economic value; they involve changes in the volume, composition,
or value of a unit’s assets, liabilities, and net worth ...........................................3.4

Economic owner Th e economic owner of resources such as goods and services, natural re-

sources, fi nancial assets, and liabilities is the institutional unit entitled to claim
the benefi ts associated with the use of these resources by virtue of accepting the
associated risks.............................................................................................. 3.39, 7.5

Economic territory Economic territory, in its broadest sense, can be any geographic area or juris-

diction for which statistics are required ..............................................................2.8

Economic unions Economic unions are established by means of an intergovernmental legal

agreement among sovereign countries or jurisdictions with the intention of
fostering greater economic integration ..........................................................A5.19

Economically signifi cant

Economically signifi cant prices are prices that have a signifi cant eff ect on the
amounts that producers are willing to supply and on the amounts purchasers
wish to buy ............................................................................................................2.66

Economy An economy consists of a set of resident institutional units.............................2.6

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