Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014

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402 Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014

Embedded derivative An embedded derivative arises when a derivative feature is inserted in a stan-
dard fi nancial instrument and is inseparable from the instrument ............ 7.148
Employee stock options Employee stock options are options to buy the equity of a company, off ered to
employees of the company as a form of remuneration ................................ 7.221
Employers’ social

Employers’ social contributions are social contributions payable by employers,
to social security funds, employment-related pension funds, or other employ-
ment-related social insurance schemes to obtain entitlement to social benefi ts
for their employees ...............................................................................................6.19
Employment-related social
benefi ts

Employment-related social benefi ts are social benefi ts payable in cash or in
kind by government or public sector units to their employees or employees
of other government or public sector units participating in the scheme (or
to survivors and dependents of the employees who are eligible for such pay-
ments) ...............................................................................................................6.104
Enterprise An enterprise is the view of an institutional unit as a producer of goods and
services ...................................................................................................................2.2 5
Entertainment, literary, and
artistic originals

Entertainment, literary, and artistic originals are original fi lms, sound record-
ings, manuscripts, tapes, and models in which drama performances, radio and
television programming, musical performances, sporting events, and literary
and artistic output are recorded or embodied. .................................................7.72
Entitlement to future goods
and services on an exclusive

Entitlement to future goods and services on an exclusive basis relates to the
case where one party that has contracted to purchase goods or services at a
fi xed price at a time in the future is able to transfer the obligation of the second
party to the contract to a third party .............................................................. 7.112
Environmental protection

Environmental protection activities are those activities whose primary purpose
is the prevention, reduction, and elimination of pollution and other forms of
degradation of the environment ................................................................... A7.107
Environmental tax An environmental tax is a tax whose tax base is a physical unit (or a proxy of
it) of something that has a proven, specifi c, negative impact on the environ-
ment ................................................................................................................. A7.115
Equity Equity consists of all instruments and records that acknowledge claims on the
residual value of a corporation or quasi-corporation, aft er the claims of all
creditors have been met .................................................................................... 7.165
Establishment An establishment is an enterprise, or part of an enterprise, that is situated in
a single location and in which only a single productive activity is carried out
or in which the principal productive activity accounts for most of the value
added ......................................................................................................................2.2 4
Estate, inheritance, and gift

Estate, inheritance, and gift taxes cover taxes on transfers of property at death
and on gift s, including gift s made between living members of the same family
to avoid, or minimize, the payment of inheritance taxes ................................5.51
Exchange An exchange is a transaction in which one unit provides a good, service, asset,
or labor to a second unit and receives a good, service, asset, or labor of the same
value in return .........................................................................................................3.9
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