Glossary 403
Excises Excises are taxes levied as a product-specifi c unit tax on a predefi ned limited
range of goods .......................................................................................................5.62
Expenditure Expenditure is the sum of expense and the net investment in nonfi nancial
assets .......................................................................................................................4.21
Expense Expense is a decrease in net worth resulting from a transaction ........... 4.24, 6.1
Explicit contingent liabilities Explicit contingent liabilities are defi ned as legal or contractual fi nancial ar-
rangements that give rise to conditional requirements to make payments of
economic value .................................................................................................. 7.252
Extrabudgetary General government entities with individual budgets not fully covered by the
main (or general) budget are considered extrabudgetary ...............................2.82
Face value Face value of a debt instrument is the undiscounted amount of principal to be
repaid at (or before) maturity ............................................................... 3.115, 7.242
Fair value Fair value is a market-equivalent value defi ned as the amount for which an
asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between knowledgeable, willing
parties in an arm’s-length transaction ............................................................ 3.115
Financial account of the bal-
ance of payments
Th e fi nancial account of the balance of payments records transactions that in-
volve fi nancial assets and liabilities that take place between residents and non-
residents ..............................................................................................................A7.93
Financial assets Financial assets consist of fi nancial claims and gold bullion held by monetary
authorities as a reserve asset ...............................................................................3.48
Financial auxiliaries Financial auxiliaries consist of fi nancial corporations that are principally en-
gaged in activities associated with transactions in fi nancial assets and liabilities
or with providing the regulatory context for these transactions but in circum-
stances that do not involve the auxiliary taking ownership of the fi nancial as-
sets and liabilities being transacted ....................................................................2.54
Financial claim A fi nancial claim is an asset that typically entitles the owner of the asset (the
creditor) to receive funds or other resources from another unit, under the
terms of a liability ....................................................................................... 3.47, 7.15
Financial corporations Financial corporations are corporations that are principally engaged in provid-
ing fi nancial services, including insurance and pension fund services, to other
institutional units .............................................................................................. 2.115
Financial corporations sector Th e fi nancial corporations sector consists of resident corporations that are
principally engaged in providing fi nancial services, including insurance and
pension fund services, to other institutional units ..........................................2.53
Financial derivative contract A fi nancial derivative contract is a fi nancial instrument that is linked to an-
other specifi c fi nancial instrument or indicator or commodity and through
which specifi c fi nancial risks (e.g., interest rate risk, foreign exchange risk, eq-
uity and commodity price risks, and credit risk) can be traded in their own
right in fi nancial markets ................................................................................. 7.204
Financial intermediaries Financial intermediaries are institutional units that incur liabilities on their
own account for the purpose of acquiring fi nancial assets by engaging in fi nan-
cial transactions on the market...........................................................................2.54