Penis Enlargement Exercise Program

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Now let's talk about a couple of factors that can affect the way your penis looks, both to
you, and others.

The Hair down There

First, consider cutting or completely shaving off your pubic hair. This might sound
crazy, but that hair, depending on how much you have down there, can cover up close to
an inch of penis when you're observing it from where you are.

It makes it look smaller than it is. As you grow, keep that hair cut close, because whether
you think it's cheating or not, it makes a difference in how you look to yourself and to

The other reason you want to trim that hair is that when you're doing your penis
enlargement exercises, you don't want hair-causing discomfort.

Are You Chubby?

Another point that needs to be made very
clear is that your level of fitness and your
weight is going to have a direct effect on
how large or small your sex organ looks. If
you have fat hanging around the lower
abdominal area, it's going to cause your
penis to look smaller.

If you're overweight, why not make this a
time to not only get your penis in better
shape, but your entire body? Lose some
weight through diet and exercise and see
what you can do about building your abdominal area and your muscle mass in all parts
of your body.

This is automatically going to make you look sexier and will help enhance the look of
your penis, too. Click here to see some supplements I recommend to help you lose
weight quickly and effectively keep it off.

It's time to think about actually exercising your penis. There are two things you need to
be aware of and always keep in mind when you're doing your enlargement exercise
program. They are lubrication and safety.

Lubricate, Lubricate, Lubricate

Your exercise program is going to involve using your hands to manipulate your penis.
For some exercises, you will need a good lubricant that will keep the risk of skin

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