Penis Enlargement Exercise Program

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

irritation and chafing at bay.

You can use a sexual lubricant or a good quality moisturizer. Both of these will
probably require reapplication during your exercising, which can be inconvenient.
Some men use petroleum jelly, and while this can work well, it's pretty messy. Others
like olive oil, which can also be messy. Experiment with what works best for you.

A word of caution: products like shampoo or soap are not good choices for lubricants.
They can become very irritating for your skin and cause more trouble than they're worth.

Safety First!

Regardless of whether you're starting a new
weight lifting program, or jogging, a new sport,
or an exercise program for penis enlargement,
you always need to put safety first. Your penis is
an important part of your anatomy and you don't
want to jeopardize it in any way – you want to
enhance it.

If you have any medical conditions that involve
your circulatory system or your urinary system, see
your doctor before starting this program or before using any type of penis enhancement
system or supplement.

As with any type of exercise, a proper warm up is necessary. Pay special attention to
warming up before you start on your full-blown workout. If you notice any sores or
blisters developing, they could be the result of not properly warming up. You will need
to take a few days off to let them heal before starting the program again. Remember to
warm up!

If you notice some small, blue spots developing under the penis skin, take a few days
off, and use warm wraps (we'll discuss wraps soon) a few times a day. Those blue spots
are tiny bruises where some bleeding has occurred, called petechiae. They will disappear
in a few days. However, if they seem to get worse, see your doctor immediately.

It's very rare that an exercise program like this would cause any type of problem at all.
Be sure to follow all instructions carefully and warm up and cool down properly. If you
do this, you'll have a great experience!

Let's Get Started – The Basics

As already mentioned, a warm up is going to be paramount for getting a good workout
that is safe, comfortable and that brings some great results, so we'll start with a couple
of warm up techniques.

  • The first way to warm up is simple: take a warm shower or bath. Five minutes is

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