Penis Enlargement Exercise Program

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

you're falling asleep at night.

You can stand, sit, or lie down to do Kegels and in fact, it's probably better if you do
your exercises in a variety of positions. There are several variations of Kegel exercises
that you will learn in this section.

How to Find Your PC Muscle

You know where your PC muscle is, but you might be uncertain of how to make sure
you've found it, and not something else. The best way to find the PC muscle is to stop

flow of urine the next time you use the bathroom. When you do that, you'll feel your PC
muscle contract.

Now that you've found it, you need to make sure you only contract that muscle when you
do your Kegel exercises and leave the surrounding muscles re laxed. The temptation is to
contract your abdominals, your thighs and your buttocks, too. Don't do that! Leave them
relaxed and concentrate the contraction on your PC muscle.

You now know where it is and how to contract it. Now it's time to exercise it.

Video Tip!! A lot of guys have trouble understanding How to find their PC muscle, as
well as performing the exercises below. If this is you, check out this short (5 min.) video
that explains EVERYTHING:

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