Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

attentions, he had no interest in such
manifestations. The young woman owned
by this gull appeared next to her, as I
acknowledged her charge.
Inviting the demon to join us in the
boat, the monk remained totally at peace as
we rowed further towards a mountainous
area. I was not very comfortable sharing the
boat with a demon. Arriving at our second
destination, we exited the rowboat and
traveled on foot to a spot deep in the woods.
Standing there was a very large
raging demon; fifteen or twenty feet in
height. Introducing me to the demon of
rage, he was given to uncontrollable fits of
rage, which made him grow larger.
Frightened by this particularly reptilian
demon, I moved back; but the Buddhist
monk stood forward, even as the demon
raged. The demon stood on two feet and
had green horns. Holding his hand to the
demon, the monk asked him to join us in our
boat. Two members appeared at the side of
this demon, father and son, as the monk
made me to know that this demon controlled
them both, having been passed from one
generation to the next. In this, I saw how the
sins of the father are visited upon the sons,

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