Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

the crowd when in truth, he was just making
a nuisance of himself. "You're only out here
acting like this because you're obsessed with
having everyone else's approval; you want
everybody to like you." I said. Interestingly,
he looked me in the eye and replied, "You're
absolutely right, that is why I do this." But
then he went about his way, disappearing
into the crowd.
Following him, I eventually caught
up to him in a hotel room where he was now
sleeping. In the corner of the room was an
open vase with holes along the sides, inside
it was a gleaming green light. Tapping him
on the shoulder, he awoke and began to tell
me about his spiritual guide, the green light
from the vase, which continued to speak to
him of the wonders of arrogance, gluttony
and the importance of following the crowd
so that you will be greatly liked. It went so
far as to implant seeds of divorce within his
mind in regards to his marriage, and seeds
of thoughts that he should sue for custody of
his children.
Turning to the vase, I said, "Do you
come here on behalf of the light or
darkness?" "Um, uh, I, uh," said the vase, as I
shouted my reply, "Do you come here on

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