Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

possible you could be violating life now and
not be aware of it?" This shocked me to
realize the magnitude of what he might be
saying. "Yes," I replied, "yes, that is very
possible." "Remember, life is greater than
you know, its meaning, its significance.
You've remembered how easy it is to be
ignorant; you don't even have to think about
it. There are some things that you've never
thought about... things you might find
horrible if you had."
Interrupting him, I said, "Okay...
but, I'm confused, I thought this story was
going to be about you." Joseph smiled in a
knowing manner. "Why, Daniel, I thought
we were seeking the pathway together?" My
gaze didn't move from his eyes as the
meaning of his words penetrated into my
soul. "Daniel Pierce, that was me?"
"Welcome to remembrance, Daniel, now you
are ready."
So, I was the soul of that priest.
"Whoa," I thought, as I returned to my body.
"(Thou wilt make) an end of all that oppress
us; and we shall give thanks unto Thy name
for ever."
The Dead Sea Scriptures, The New Covenant,
Page 437, Stanza 4, (Christianity,

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