Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

with the ousted individual then you were no longer welcome around him. Nothing like
ruling by intimidation. I remember watching an episode of The Outer Limits one night
a long time ago. The story was about a little boy with some very strange powers. If
someone said or did anything the boy didn’t like, he would wish them away to the
cornfield, which apparently was a horrifying place to be sent to. That is the way it
was becoming around Dana and Anne. Dana’s employees, friends, family, and fighters
all have to be on guard when they’re around him. They don’t want to say or do
anything that might upset him or they could end up in the cornfield.
Dana and I did begin to speak again about a year after the christening incident,
but it was very strained. Dana was treating friends and family in a manner that I
found unacceptable. When the UFC began to take off, I would always tell Dana, “Keep
your feet on the ground. Remember who cared about you and supported you, who
your friends were before all this took off.”
He would always say the same thing every time: “I know. I’m not going to change.
Don’t worry about that, Mom.” But he did change. Dana has stated in interviews that
family is the most important thing to him, and yet he has treated his entire family —
mother, father, grandmother, sister, aunts, uncles, niece and nephew — with utter
disregard. It is easy for Dana to make statements to the press that sound good, but
those of us who truly know Dana know they are not true.
When Dana was trying to get his business up and running in Las Vegas, he would
always say to me, “Mom, one day I’m going to be rich and you’ll never have to work
or worry about anything.” I never really thought that he would ever be as wealthy as
he has become, but it is always a nice thing for a mom to hear from her son. His
promise was never to be fulfilled either. His wealth has actually become an
embarrassment to me, he is selfish, self absorbed and inconsiderate.
I love the thought of sharing good fortune and helping others out. I don’t
understand why Dana doesn’t share that same attitude. With all the success and good
fortune Dana has had, he should be very generous and want to help others. His
grandmother who lived with us in Las Vegas, drove him to school and fixed dinner for
him is now 93 years old and lives in a trailer in Florida. She lives on her meager
monthly retirement check, and has lived in a trailer for the last forty years of her life.

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