Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

asked him why all his clothes were on the floor. He told me he was trying to find
something to wear (not that we were going anywhere). I told his father, “If he grows
up to be gay, he is going to have the worst time with my brothers for uncles.” Dana
from when he was a little toddler to now, a grown man was always very fussy about
his clothes and how he looked.
While living in Florida, Dana had a friend that I would hear him talking to all the
time, carrying on a full-blown conversation. I asked him whom he was talking to
because there was not anyone in the room with him, and he would tell me he was
talking to his friend. One day I asked if his friend had a name, and he said his friend’s
name was Bones. I used to put the TV on while I was fixing supper and watch Star
, and I assumed that is where the name came from. It was rare that Dana ever
did anything to cause trouble, but when he did something that he thought he might
get into trouble for he would tell me it wasn’t his fault. Bones did it.
Bones was around for quite a few months, and then I noticed Dana wasn’t talking
to him anymore. I asked him where Bones had been lately, and he told me he was
gone. I asked him where Bones had gone, and he said, “Oh, he is dead.” He
completely surprised me by his answer. I didn’t even think he knew what dead meant,
he was only two and a half years old. I asked him a few more questions that seemed
to be boring and annoying him, and so I let it go. Bones was indeed gone forever and
never did return. I wish now that I had asked Dana how Bones met his demise.
We lived on the second floor in a small two-bedroom apartment in Florida. Across
the hall from us lived three boys who were deaf and attending a local college, and in
the apartment below ours lived a young couple who had a little boy Dana’s age. They
had moved to Florida from the Midwest somewhere. The woman hated Florida and the
young couple were always fighting. There was an open archway on the side of the
building. That led into the backyard. Above the archway and beside it was the
property owner’s apartment. Once through the arch there was a large backyard. A
chain link fence enclosed the entire yard, and a gate in the front yard opened to the
sidewalk that led up to the house and through the archway to the backyard. The
landlady and her husband, who were in their forties, were originally from Alabama,

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