Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

When I picked them up, Dana told me how they both ended up being arrested. I
honestly could not be mad at Dana for his attempt to rescue his sister, no matter how
misguided, and it all ended well anyway. The father of Kelly’s friend was an
important politician, and when I went to pick up Dana and Kelly, I told the people at
juvenile hall I would take Kelly’s friend home with us also. They refused to release
her to me and stated that, if her parents couldn’t be bothered to stay home and take
care of her, she could just stay in jail until one of them could be bothered to come
and get her. Kelly’s friend was screaming from her cell, “You just wait until my dad
finds out about this. You’ll all be looking for another job.” The next morning she was
brought to court in shackles with a number of other, mostly male, inmates. Her father
arrived from his ranch in northern Nevada just in time to see his daughter dragged
into court. Heads were rolling soon after he arrived and the court went into an
immediate recess. All the charges were dropped against Dana, Kelly, and her friend
who had the party.
Our door was always open to Dana and Kelly’s friends while they we lived in Las
Vegas. For example, one of Dana’s friends was having a ration of problems at home.
His mother and father were divorced and his mother had remarried. Dana, this friend,
and one other boy who hung around with Dana all through high school were arrested
together one day. The friend with problems at home had taken Dana and the other
boy with him one night to get some money at his mother’s house before the boys
went out for the night. The mother and stepfather claimed their son stole the money
from them and called the police. The following day they had all three boys arrested
on some very serious charges. I could not believe it when Dana and his friends told me
their side of the story. I called the boy’s parents to explain what the boys had told
me. I couldn’t believe what assholes this boy’s parents were. They refused to drop
the charges against any of the boys and said this would teach them a good lesson. I
tried to tell them this was overkill and it would do more than teach them a lesson, it
would ruin their lives. These people couldn’t have cared less about the consequences
this would have for all three boys, including their son. I was appalled and totally
pissed off.

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