Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

that sounded like it was crying. It was horrible. We tried for five minutes to free him,
but we could not. Then the worst thing happened. While trying to get one of his feet
loose, the mouse fell over and now the whole side of his little body was stuck to the
gel. I couldn’t take any more and told Dana I was going back into the house. There
was nothing more we could do. Dana didn’t leave the mouse for another ten minutes,
but then he came back into the house very upset over what had just happened to our
little house guest. We moved the box up under some bushes where we figured the
mouse would be out of sight of cats and would just die. Dana remained distraught
over what had happened and so did I.
I cannot figure out how someone who was so caring and compassionate about this
little mouse’s fate changed so deeply and profoundly. Dana recently told me he had
bought a bulldog puppy, and that he came home one night to find the dog had done
something that absolutely infuriated him. Dana did not say what the dog had done,
but he said he chased that dog around the house and the yard for ten minutes and
beat the hell out of it, and then he got rid of it. How do you go from someone who
was traumatized by the pain of a little field mouse to someone who thinks it is
appropriate to chase down and beat a puppy? What happened over those years to
create such an angry, hostile man?
As I said previously, Las Vegas has lots of little critters, like scorpions, black
widow and brown recluse spiders, and huge cockroaches — the locals call them water
bugs but they are huge cockroaches. Every month I had an exterminator spray the
house inside and out and the block wall that enclosed the side and back yards. I had
discovered that the black widows like to make nests in the cinderblocks in the block
walls, and so I made sure the exterminator sprayed the wall heavily.
While in high school in Las Vegas, Dana had a problem with his big toenail growing
into the side of his toe, which would then cause an infection and bleeding and was
extremely painful. On three different occasions, I had to bring him to the doctor to
have the toenail removed. Each time, they cut the toenail out from the top of the
nail all the way to the bottom, under the skin and halfway across the toe, and then
put an application of acid on the area to try to prevent the nail from growing back
into the side of the toe. We were at home after one of the nail removals, and Dana’s

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