Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

gone. There were long drapes by the sliding glass doors, and I saw something start to
climb up the edge of one of them. I was very relieved to see it was not a huge spider
but a tiny field mouse. The mouse climbed about two and a half feet up the curtain
and then stopped and was staring over at me. It was the cutest little thing, and I
decided I did not mind this little creature being in the house as long as he did not
venture into the kitchen. Quite often, he would climb up the curtain, sit there, and
watch me or whoever was watching television. The mouse never appeared in any
other rooms in the house. He was like a little guest who would sit with you while you
watched television. Unfortunately, baby mice began to appear in the television room
after a few months and soon there were a number of little mice running around. I was
told that, if I did not do something, before I knew it the house would be full of mice.
Reluctantly, I went looking for something that I thought would be a humane way of
getting rid of my little friend and his many offspring. I did not want to kill him, just
move him out of the house.
I found a product that said it was humane and that trapped mice did not suffer. It
was a small box, approximately four inches by four inches and a half-inch deep that
held a clear gel on the bottom of it. The theory was that, when the mouse walked
across the gel, it would get stuck, and you could remove the creature from the house.
That is exactly what happened — our little friend was stuck in the gel — but removing
it from the house did not include getting the mouse out of the gel. Eventually, it
would die of hunger or dehydration — hardly humane.
Dana was in high school at this time, and he came home to find the little mouse
struggling to get out of the gel. Dana took the box and the mouse it held out on the
sidewalk in front of the house. He thought he was going to be able to lift the little
creature out of the gel and set him free. After three or four minutes, Dana came back
in, upset that he could not get the mouse’s feet free from the gel. I told him to get a
spoon and just lift the gel where the mouse’s feet were. He said he needed me help
him. As I headed outside with Dana, I grabbed a spoon from the kitchen.
We sat on the sidewalk, and I held the box while Dana tried to scoop the gel out
from under the little guy’s feet, but the gel did not budge. It was really quite
traumatizing for the mouse and for Dana. The mouse was actually making little noises

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