Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

and the next thing you know, it looked like a scene out of some movie. Cars were
stopped on State Street as bodies were falling on the street in front of them and
rolling over the hoods of the cars. As the fight moved down State Street across from
the Black Rose, Kelly was trying to pull away one of the guys who was kicking Dana,
who was now lying on the road, off of him. One of them turned towards Kelly and
punched her in the face, sending her flying onto the pavement.
At that moment, a group of six or seven people visiting from Chicago came
walking out of the Black Rose and saw Kelly get hit. They ran over to defend her, and
by the time the police arrived with three or four cruisers and a paddy wagon, there
had to be twenty guys fighting over a city block area.
When it was all over, we couldn’t find Dana. We were afraid that someone had
pulled a knife and that he was hurt somewhere. The last time we saw him, he was
lying in the street with guys kicking him in the head and back and stomach. We spent
an hour looking for him, and then we went home and started calling hospital
emergency rooms. Finally, he called us — he was fine. When the police came, he ran
into one of the parking garages and hid.
The person with the broken nose was arrested, and later he tried to sue Dana for
assault. Dana had NO money back then. Apparently starting fights was something this
person and his friends did often, but I’m sure he never ended up with a broken nose
Dana did not do the brightest things when he was drinking, which is why he quit,
and he always had a short fuse so it didn’t really take a lot to set him off if he’d had a
few beers. He was at Hampton Beach one night with one of his uncles when he got in
a fight at one of the bars. They both were thrown out of the bar. I’m not sure what
happened from that point on, but the police called his girlfriend the next day and told
her they had Dana’s wallet. Someone found it and the police officer said he could
come down to the station to pick it up. I then get a call from Dana, who told me he
was not sure where his truck was, but he thought he drove it into the marsh the night
before and —oh by the way — he may have killed a person in a fight. I thought I was
going to throw up when he told me that. Worse yet, he said he had a hatchet in his
truck and he may have hit the person with it. I was nauseous with that one.

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