Introductory Biostatistics

(Chris Devlin) #1

3.22 (a)Right of 5.991: 0.05; right of 9.210: 0.01;(b)right of 6.348: between
0.01 and 0.05;(c)between 5.991 and 9.210: 0.04.

3.23 (a)Right of 3.32: 0.05; right of 5.39: 0.01;(b)right of 2.61:<0.01;(c)
between 3.32 and 5.39: 0.04.

3.24 k¼0.399, marginally good agreement.

3.25 k¼0.734, good agreement—almost excellent.

Chapter 4

4.1 m¼ 0 :5; 6 possible samples withmx¼ 0 : 5 ð¼mÞ.
4.2 Prðm 1 axamþ 1 Þ¼Prð 2 : 33 aza 2 : 33 Þ
¼ 0 : 9802

4.3 Group 95% Confidence Interval
Left-handed ð 0 : 444 ; 0 : 590 Þ
Right-handed ð 0 : 338 ; 0 : 384 Þ

4.4 Group 95% Confidence Interval
Students ð 0 : 320 ; 0 : 460 Þ
Workers ð 0 : 667 ; 0 : 873 Þ

4.5 Year 95% Confidence Interval
1983 ð 0 : 455 ; 0 : 493 Þ
1987 ð 0 : 355 ; 0 : 391 Þ

4.6 Level 95% Confidence Interval
High ð 0 : 402 ; 0 : 574 Þ
Low ð 0 : 077 ; 0 : 145 Þ

4.7 For whites: 25: 3 Gð 1 : 96 Þð 0 : 9 Þ¼ð 23 :54%; 27 :06%Þ
For blacks: 38: 6 Gð 1 : 96 Þð 1 : 8 Þ¼ð 35 :07%; 42 :13%Þ
No, sample sizes were already incorporated into standard errors.

4.8 Parameter 95% Confidence Interval
Sensitivity ð 0 : 575 ; 0 : 891 Þ
Specificity ð 0 : 964 ; 0 : 980 Þ


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