The Sociology of Philosophies

(Wang) #1

Index of Subjects

Abdera, school of, 90, 91, 93, 95, 103
Abhidharma, 216, 218, 220–221, 223,
229, 233, 236, 238, 239, 242, 286,
347, 448, 802, 819, 826
Abstraction, 2, 27, 146, 163–164, 317–
318, 340, 355, 379, 382, 419, 549,
555, 754, 787–791; loss of, 799–800
Academicization, effects on creativity, 320–
321, 519–521, 688–689
Academies, 143, 572, 592, 638, 651–652,
Academy, Platonic, 65, 92, 93, 94, 97, 99,
103, 108, 111, 105, 107, 118, 956nn11–
12,18,20, 957n26, 958n37
Advaita (nondualism), 211, 241–242, 246–
252, 257–262, 264–270, 317, 321, 799,
819, 821, 824–825, 836–837, 842
Aesthetics: in China, 169–171, 174–176;
in Japan, 323–325, 337–341, 348, 352;
in Europe, 523, 603, 633, 635, 661,
732, 755–756, 769, 773
America, 671–683, 686
America, intellectual centers in: Boston-
Cambridge, 380, 531, 645, 672–675;
Johns Hopkins, 672, 675–677, 680–
681; Chicago, 672, 681–682
Amida (Amitabha, Pure Land) Buddhism:
in China, 168, 278, 283, 288, 289, 291,
295, 296, 306, 332; in Japan, 323, 329,
331–334, 342, 448
Ancient Learning, 243, 358–359, 367,
381, 794
Anti-clericalism: in Japan, 331, 349, 361,
370, 685; in France, 604–606, 757–758,
Apatheia, 104

“Apostles,” Cambridge, 530, 670, 733,
Aristotelean school, 65, 93, 94, 103, 111,
112, 132, 106–107, 109, 111, 118,
955n9, 956n18
Artificial intelligence, 1–2, 49–51
Asatkaryavada, 236, 244, 821, 844
Asclepiads, 92
Ash‘arites, 409, 411–414, 420, 422, 439,
451–452, 453, 829, 840, 842, 843
Astronomy: Greek, 107, 534, 549, 552; in
Japan, 362–363; Islamic, 404, 408, 421,
427, 431, 440, 453, 546–548, 552; in
Europe, 535, 554, 555, 557–561, 563,
610, 722; in China, 549–550, 552; in In-
dia, 551. See also Copernicus; Kepler
Ataraxeia, 104
Atheism: in Greece, 93, 103, 835; in India,
243, 836; as imaginery foil, 391; in
France, 585, 603, 605–606, 609;
Nietzsche’s, 768–769; existentialist, 778–
Atomism, 105, 491; Democritean, 112,
841; Epicurean, 112; time-atomism,
398–400, 413, 840
Attention space, intellectual, 38–39, 75–
76, 91; fractionation of, 94, 151; over-
crowding of, 99, 150, 783, 813. See
also Law of small numbers
Autonomy of intellectuals, 164–165, 329,
364, 616, 638, 643–646, 650, 687, 756
Averroists, 467, 475–479, 487–490, 497–
499, 516, 548, 571, 579

Babylonian star worshippers, 100, 108,

  1. See also Sabian star worshippers

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