The Sociology of Philosophies

(Wang) #1

63a Phaedrus [167] (Epicurean)
65 Perseus
65a Hermotinus of Colophon
66 Aristyllus (astron)
67 Philo of Byzantium 
68 Nicomedes
69 Pseudo-Petosiris (astrol) 
70 Clemedes (astron) 
71 Dionysidorus
72 Diodorus Siculus
73 Stilo [159]
(74) Antiochus of Ascalon
75 Sosigenes of Alexandria
76 Varro [160]
78 Nigidius Figilus [164]
(Neo-Pythagorean occultist)
79 Strabo [178]
80 Columella (astron, surveying)
81 Marcus Manlius (astrol)
82 Pliny (encyclopedist)
83 Theodosius of Cyrene
84 Hyginus (surveying)
85 Balbus (surveying)
86 Marinus of Tyre (geog) 
87 Dorotheus of Sidon (astrol)
88 Junius Nipsus (surveying)
89 Epaphroditus
90 Censorius (astrol)
91 Adratus (astron)
93 Theon of Smyrna [232]

(^94) Alexander of Aphrodisias
95 Philo of Gadera
96 Sporus of Nicea
(97) Dionysius (Christian bishop
of Alexandria)
98 Anatolius of Alexandria [268]
99 Serenus
100 Peithon
101 Theon of Alexandria [292]
102 Hypatia [296]
103 Synesius of Cyrene [297]
104 Paul of Alexandria (astrol)
105 Firmus Maternus (astrol)
106 Martinus Capella [290]
107 Macrobius [289]
108 Syrianus [300]
109 Plutarch of Athens [298]
110 Victorius of Aquitania
111 Domninus of Larissa [301]
112 Marinus [303]
113 Ammonius [304]
114 Eutocus of Ascalon
115 Anthemius of Trelles
116 Isidorus of Miletus
117 Simplicius [306]
118 Cassiodorus [313]
Figure 11.1. French and British
Network during the Enlightenment,
Connections from Fig. 10.1
(52) First Earl Shaftesbury
86 Fontenelle
(110c) Viscount Molesworth (patron)
(110d) Castares (co-conspirator with
Shaftesbury and Locke;
principal of Edinburgh Univ.)
{122} Maclauren (Edinburgh math
(122a) Mackie (nephew of 110d,
taught civil law, Edinburgh)
129 Lord Bolingbroke (Tory
leader, Deist)
130 Lord Chesterfield
134 Comte de Boulainvilliers
141 Thomas Morgan (dissenting
minister; Christian Deist)
144 Hartley (st. Cambridge;
medical doctor, London;
145 John Gay (st. Cambridge;
rural vicar; Utilitarianism)
Keys to Figures • 945

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