(Michael S) #1
expense of excessive maternal haemorrhage to which cyanotic

patients are prone.

22 Pulmonary hypertension. See comments above.

A balance has to be made between a spontaneous vaginal

delivery with the mother in the lateral decubitus position to

attenuate haemodynamic fluctuations, forceps assistance and the

smaller volume of blood lost during this type of delivery, and the

controlled timing of an elective section. PPrroobbaabbllyy mmoorree iimmppoorrttaanntt

tthhaann tthhee rroouuttee ooff ddeelliivveerryy iiss ppeerrii--ppaarrttuumm ppllaannnniinngg aanndd tteeaammwwoorrkk::

delivery must be planned in advance, and the patient intensively

monitored, kept well hydrated and not allowed to drop her

systemic vascular resistance. Consultant obstetric and anaesthetic

staff experienced in these conditions should be present, and the

cardiologist readily available.

FFuurrtthheerr rreeaaddiinngg
Connelly MS, Webb GD, Someville J et al. Canadian consensus
conference on adult congenital heart disease. Can J Cardiol1998; 1144 :
Oakley CM. Management of pre-existing disorders in pregnancy: heart
disease. Presc J1997; 3377 : 102–11.

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