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Chapter 13:

Breaking fat loss plateaus

A reality of all fat loss diets is the dreaded plateau. Although the exact reasons are
unknown, the body eventually adapts to the diet and fat loss slows or stops completely. The
typical approach to breaking plateaus is to either decrease calories further or increase activity.
Since calories can only be taken so low and only so much exercise can be performed each week,
other strategies to break fat loss plateaus are necessary. Due to the differential nature of the
SKD/TKD and the CKD, they are discussed separately.

Section 1: Tips for individuals on a SKD, TKD or CKD

Improve the nutrient quality of the lowcarb week.

The nature of the ketogenic diet is such that most individuals tend to consume a lot of
saturated fats while on the diet. Substituting some of the saturated fat intake inherent to the
ketogenic diet with unsaturated fats such as fish oils and vegetable oils, may increase
thermogenesis (the burning of calories to produce heat) and increase fat loss. Many individuals
report a significant amount of bodily warmth following a meal high in unsaturated fats, probably
due to increased thermogenesis. Note that this further limits the food choices available on a
ketogenic diet.

Eat the day’s calories across fewer meals.

Although this strategy is purely conjectural, some people have reported better fat loss by
eating the same daily calories across fewer meals. In theory, this could allow greater fat loss as
the body may be required to draw more energy from body fat stores in between meals.

Take a week off the diet.

Although this goes against everything most dieters have been conditioned to believe,
sometimes the best strategy to break a fat loss plateau is to take a week off of the diet and eat
at maintenance calories. Some individuals choose to remain ketogenic, simply increasing their
caloric intake, while others prefer to return to a carbohydrate based diet.

The body ultimately adapts to anything including diet and calorie levels. Taking a week off
of the diet can help raise metabolic rate as well as rebuild any muscle which may have been lost.
However, fat gain during a one week break is generally minimal as long as individuals do not
overdo caloric intake. Keep in mind that adding carbohydrates back into the diet can cause a
rapid but transient weight regain for individuals on an SKD or TKD.

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