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targeted CKD 271 lactate threshold and 182,200
weekly weight gain and 81,153,158-159 protein requirements 108,188
women and 189 training and 181,241,243,245,
D 276-277
chromium and 302 weight training and 217,239
Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus Energy balance 91,94-95,153,230-231
(IDDM) 21,24,34,170 Ephedrine 293-296
ketoacidosis and 34-35 pre-contest preparation 281
Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus Epilepsy
(NIDDM) 171 ketogenic diet and 13,14,16,71,75,115
starvation 72,153 171
vanadyl sulfate and 303 ketogenic ratio and 52-53
Dehydration Essential fatty acids (EFAs) 113- 114,290
fatigue and 191,277 Exercise
ketogenic diet and 77,81,115,169 aerobic, see aerobic exercise
pre-contest preparation 286 fat loss and 12,23,67,97,229-238
protein synthesis and 140 interval, see interval training
weight training and 215-216,273 ketosis and 31-33,225-228
Diet protein requirements and 56,60
cyclical ketogenic, see cyclical weight, see weight training
ketogenic diet F
ending a 152-156 Fasting
mass gains and 128,141,153,155,270 adaptations to 38-39,43-44,46
plateaus and 148-151 appetite and 73
standard ketogenic, see standard blood glucose and 164
ketogenic diet cortisol and 212
targeted ketogenic, see targeted catecholamines and 25
ketogenic diet epilepsy and 13
Dietary fat, see fat fuel use and 20,40-44,112
Dietary fiber, see fiber insulin resistance and 72,153
Dietary protein, see protein ketosis and 13,19,32-33,36,225
Dipeptides 107 nitrogen loss and 14,40,43-46,49,53-
Disaccharides 104 54,56,107
Docosahexanoic acid (DHA) 290 overview of 38-39
E weight loss and 14,40
Eicosanopentanoic acid (EPA) 290 Fat
Electrolytes body, see bodyfat
cramping 79 brown, see brown adipose tissue
death and 79-80 dietary 22-23,32,44,52,55,64-65,68,
excretion of 62,79 111-114,124,126-127,135,150,
supplements 80 154,163,281
Endurance athletes essential, see essential fatty acids
carbs and 124,132,134,168,192,195 unsaturated 75,111,113-114,139,
diet and 166,185,194,195,276-277 148,170
fiber type and 175 saturated 75,111,113-114,148,
heart rate and 180,242 170,290

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