Food Biochemistry and Food Processing

(Ben Green) #1
748 Index

Biomembranes, 489
Biomimetic dye, 201
Bioreactors, 36, 50–51, 61
eggs, 36, 50–51
mammary glands, 36, 48, 50, 61
microorganisms, 54–56, 61
packed-bed, 675, 677
Biosensors, 208
Biotechnolgy in food production, handling, and
processing, 19
Biotechnology-derived food enzymes, 19
Bitterness, 606, 651
Biuret procedure, 25
Black spot, 365
Bonito, dried, shaved, 371
Bovine serum albumin, 89–90
Bovine somatotropin, 50
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), 60–61
Bran, 568, 570–573, 578, 580–581, 616
Bread, 82, 582–585, 618–624
crumb, 582–584
elasticity, 583–584
firmness, 583–584
structure, 583–584
crust, 583–584
sensory properties, 582–583, 585
shelf life, 582–585
volume, 582–585
Bread-baking process, 623–624
Bread-making, 582–585
acidification, 582
baking, 583
fermentation, 582–583
kneading, 583
mixing, 583
quality, 583–585
-Amylase, 583–584
amylograph peak viscosity, 583
arabinoxylan, 584
endoxylanase, 584
falling number, 583
protein, 585
starch gelatinization, 583
sourdough, 582–583
Breakdown of trimethylamine oxide, (TMAO), 358
bacterial breakdown, 358–359
endogenous enzymatic breakdown, 358–359
Breakfast cereals, 555
Breeding, 265
Brewed tea, 15
Bromelain, 10, 12
Brown polymers, 80
general, 71–100
nonenzymatic, 555–565

Brucella, 697, 707
melitensis, 732
Buffer solution, 118, 120
ionic strength, effect of, 122
most effective buffer, 120
preparation, 120
Butanediol, 671
Butter, 472–473, 606–608
Buttermilk, 599, 606–608
By-products, 383, 392, 393

Cadaverine, 18
Caffeic acid, 73
Calcium chloride, 77
Calcium phosphate, 602
colloidal, 598
Calcivirus, 698
Calorimetric assays, 30
Calpain, 304, 320, 332, 388
Calpains, 10
Calpastatin, 317
Campylobacter jejuni, 708, 724, 726, 735
infection, 708
properties, 708
toxin produced
cytolethal distending toxin (CDT), 708
Campylobacter, 692–693, 696
Campylobacter enteritis, 696
Candida holmii, 627
Candida milleri,625–626, 629, 634
Caramelization, 83–85
Carbohydrate analysis, 28
condensation with phenol, 28
gas chromatography, 29
gel filtration, 29
high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), 29
Carbohydrate metabolism 493, 497–498
Carbohydrate, 118, 124–125
disaccharide, 125
glycosidic bond, 125
hydrolysis of, 118
monosaccharide, 125
photosynthesis, 124
polysaccharide, 125
starch, 125
structure of glucose, 125
Carbohydrates, 294, 300–301, 304, 325, 488, 515, 517,
dietary Fiber, 515, 517–518
glucose, 643, 648
lactose, 643
lipids, 515, 517–519
maltose, 643
minerals, 515, 517

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