Food Biochemistry and Food Processing

(Ben Green) #1
Index 751

Crabtree effect, 621
Crackers 82–83, 555–565
Crean yeast, 621
Creatine kinase, 381
Creatine phosphate, 381
Cresolase, 72–73
Crown compounds, 75
Crown-gall, 36
Cryoprotectants, 391
Curing salt, 651
Cyclooxygenase, 88
Cysteine 75, 77, 87–88
Cysteine protease, 370, 575, 579–580
Cytolethal distending toxin (CDT), 708
Cytoskeletal network, 388

Deaminases, 12,
Decarboxylase, 322, 332
Decarboxylases, 12
Decosahexanoic acid (DHA), 353, 356, 360–361
Degradation of
chlorophyll in fruit maturation, 15
trimethylamine and its N-oxides, 17
Dehydroascorbic acid (DHAA), 85, 87
Dehydroreductones, 85
Denaturation, 382, 385, 390
Deoxypentosone, 86
Descaling, 379, 392–393
Deskinning, 379, 392–393
Desmin, 388
Developing countries, 253
Dextran, 210
Dextrins, 660, 664
DFD meat, 304–305, 310, 642
DHAA, 85–86
Diacetyl, 84, 597, 606, 608, 666, 671, 673, 675
Dictyostelium discoideum, 195
eukaryotic, 192–193, 195–196
Dideoxyhexosulose, 85
Dietary fiber, 570, 585–586, 616
Dietary fibers, 5
Dietary Reference Intake (DRI), 353
Diglycerides, 618
Diketogulonic acid, 85
Dimethylamine, (DMA), 358, 385
Dimethyl-4-hydroxy-2H-furan-3-one (DMHF), 15
Diphenolase 72–73
Direct assay, 167
Direct linear plot, 163
Direct vat inoculation, 598
Discontinuous assay, 168
Distorting effect, 162
Disulphide bond, 179, 192, 194

DMA. Seedimethylamine
DNA microarrays, 726
Domains, 181–182, 191, 205, 212
Dormancy, 264
Double-reciprocal plot, 162
Dough, 582–585, 618–620
fermentation, 620
quality, 583–585
-Amylase, 583–584
arabinoxylan, 584
endoxylanase, 584
protein, 585
sourdough, 582–583
structure, 583, 618–620
yield, 583–584
Dried seafood, 370
biochemistry, 370
desirable changes in texture, 370
spoilage, 370
squid, 370
Drinking water, 125, 128
Drip loss, 304–305, 311
Dry-cured ham, 293, 322–325, 328–331
Drying, 76, 82, 648–651, 653
D-xylose-ketoisomerase, 8
Dye-ligand, 201

Eadie-Hofstee plot, 163
Edible coating, 76
Edible films, 234
EDTA, 77
Egg, 83
powder production, 7
Eicosapentoic aicd (EPA), 353, 356, 360
Eisenthal-Cornish-Bowden plot, 163
Elasmobranch, 381
Electrolyte, 115–116, 122, 125
Electrophoresis, 168, 170
Elution, 199–200, 202
biospecific, 200
nonspecific, 200
Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway, 665
Emerging foodborne pathogens, 689–698, 705–717
breakdown of public health infrastructure, 707
changes in commerce, 707
changes in travel, 707
changing demographics, 707
changing land use, 707
changing practices in industry, 707
differences in technology, 707
methods of detection, 705–744
properties, 705
Emulsifiers, 606, 608
End point assay, 168
Endogenous antioxidant, 77

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