Food Biochemistry and Food Processing

(Ben Green) #1
752 Index

Endomysium, 386–387
Endopeptidase, 629
Endoprotease, 579
Endosperm, 568, 570–571, 574, 578–581, 616
Endoxylanase, 575, 577–579, 584, 629
inhibitor, 575, 578–579
Secale cerealeL. xylanase inhibitor (SCXI), 579
Triticum aestivumL. xylanase inhibitor I (TAXI I),
xylanase inhibiting protein (XIP), 579
Substrate selectivity, 579
Enolization, 83–84
Enteropeptidase (Enterokinase), 10
Environmental Protection Agency, 356
Enzymatic browning, 71–78
Enzyme, classification and nomenclature, 135–136
Class 1, Oxidoreductase, 136
Class 2, Transferases, 136
Class 3, Hydrolases, 136
Class 4, Lyases, 137
Class 5, Isomerases, 137
Class 6, Ligases, 137
common and systematic names, 136
general principles, 136
general rules and guidelines, 137
general rules for classifying and naming enzymes, 135
main classes, 136
scheme for classifcation and numbering enzymes, 136
Enzyme, general considerations, 574–580, 582–585, 598,
alkaline phosphatase, 599
aminopeptidase, 579
-Amylase, 575, 577–578, 583–584
arabinofuranosidase, 575, 578–579
Arrays, 212
aspartic protease, 575, 579–580
carboxypeptidase, 579
chymosin, 598–599
commission number (enzyme code, EC), 135
cysteine protease, 575, 579–580
deaminases, 606
decarboxylases, 606
divisions (classes), 135
endoprotease, 579
endoxylanase, 575, 577–579, 584
esterases, 606
exoprotease, 579
ferulic acid esterase, 575, 579
lipases, 605
metalloprotease, 575, 579–580
milk, indigenous, 446–447
heat inactivation, 459
milk, exogenous
cysteine, 629
deamidation, 645, 650

deaminases, 606
deamination, 645, 650
decarboxylase, 606, 644, 650
-Galactosidase, 469–470
lipase, 471–472
transglutaminase, 470–471
N--benzoylarginine-p-nitroanilide (BAPA), 579
pepsin, 598
plasmin, 605–606
protease, 575, 577, 579–580
proteases, 605
proteins, 617–618
recommended names (common names), 135
seafood, 379–400
serine protease, 575, 579–580
subclasses, 135
systematic name, 135
transaminases, 606
unit, 171
xylosidase, 575, 578–579
Enzyme, kinetics, 185–191
double reciprocal plot, 188
enzyme-product complex (ep), 181
enzyme-substrate complex (es), 181, 186
hyperbolic kinetics, 188
kcat, 186
Lineweaver-Burk plot, 188–189
Michaelis constant (Km), 186, 188–191
Michaelis-Menten, 186, 188–189
turnover number, 186
Vmax, 186, 188–191
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), 732
Ergosterol, 665, 668
Erythorbic acid, 75. 77
Escherichia coli, 692–694, 697, 699
bacteriophage, 54
beta-lactamase, 51
enterohemorrhagic, 58
O157:H7, 57–58
shiga toxin-producing E. coli(STEC), 58
verotoxigenic E. coli, 692–694, 697, 699
Escherichia coliO157:H7, 57, 58, 707, 713–714, 724,
729, 735
hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), 713
pathogenicity, 714
properties, 713
shiga toxin (Stx), 714
transmission, 713
Essential amino acids, 36, 44–45
lysine, 44–45
methionine, 44–45
tyrosine, 45
Essential minerals, 42–44, 125
macronutrients, 42
micronutrients, 42

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